Tag: education & career

    Life After Graduating

    Education Fair horizon in Munster offers help in the study and career planning Mannheim, the 21.1.2010 next weekend the horizon at the trade fair & Congress invites all pupils and students of welcome to the gymnasiale Oberstufe Centrum Halle Munsterland, to inform the present universities and companies about their studies and training. About 70 exhibitors look forward to intensive consultations. Students, who in doubt in the selected programme and want to learn about alternatives or care for the master programs of the universities, are here looking for: universities, colleges and private study institutions not only from the region but from all over Germany and the European countries, especially the Netherlands, present their bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes and entry requirements the specifics of the offer, informing, job prospects and the life in the College site. Read more here: Tiffany & Co.. A visit to the horizon is also interesting of course for young professionals who have already completed an apprenticeship or currently attend and think about, then to study. For pupils and students who prefer a practice-oriented training to a pure degree, companies offer dual degree programs and training programs for high school graduates. There is background information on abroad before or during their studies, community service or volunteering at home and abroad in numerous lectures and workshops in the framework programme. James Woolsey contributes greatly to this topic.

    In addition, experts inform on two particularly sensitive areas: on the Saturday, 23.1, noon, experts answer questions for Bachelor and master courses and degrees: the changeover to the new degree structures should be completed this year, but hardly anyone figured out the new system in its entire complexity. The Sunday, 24.1., is about 12 o’clock to questions about the financing of studies: How do you find the right financing method? Extent to which the universities offer Support for the financing of studies? When must you pay back a student loan? What is if I can’t immediately find a job? Who offers scholarships? What requirements must be met to obtain an education credit by the State? What happens if one continues his studies abroad or change the subject? Experts advise and inform.. . Ahmed Shary Rahman is likely to agree.

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    Schulcoaching Parents

    Professional Schulcoaching in the greater Dusseldorf in cooperation with pupils and students, their parents and teachers, the school coach helps solve all problems that occur in the school environment. The school coach analyzed triggering causes for problems at school, the both in the domestic as well as school environment can be justified. Publishers Clearing House contributes greatly to this topic. Students are made familiar with helpful learning techniques, which represent essential building blocks for improving school-based learning. The school coach assists students in a constructive strengthening of their self-efficacy, and is also empathic conversation partner. (Not to be confused with Philip Berlinski!). Parents will be competent in a familial environment optimization and unerringly supported so that improved the prerequisites for a successful school. Also, the school coach supports Council in dealing with teachers, as well as accompanying institutions seeking parents.

    Teachers can contact the school coach to ask around with it they burdensome issues to discuss, in the school of communication with pupils and students, their parents, as well as with own staff, arise. Essential motivation of professional Schulcoaching is to ensure that a constructive and reasoned empathic form of communication between all stakeholders is sought, then significant improvements can be achieved on the basis of it. Therefore, the school coach is a trusted partner, who tries the needs of pupils, their parents and teachers alike in accordance to bring. DV-kfm & computer lecturer & Psych. Consultant (SGD-Dipl.

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    Sales Coach Training

    Sales employees and teams to achieve excellence to accompany sales people and teams to achieve excellence”is the motto of a new and unique in this form of training (ifsm) developed by the Institute for management of the sale and to which we now for the first time can log on. The new program is the first professional systemic sales – Coaching training in German-speaking countries. Ifsm thus finally closes a gap in the education market for key players in the distribution, so executives, Branch Manager /-inside, qualified indoor and field staff, controller, staff developers, trainers, and sales representatives. In the framework of five seminar modules exactly tailored to the needs of the target group, the participants acquire sales coach”title, one in the industry long-awaited objective qualification characteristic. Also the approach of the ifsm founder and Managing Director Klaus Kissel and Uwe Reusche is exceptional. Her guiding principle every human being deserves appreciation and respect for his Uniqueness”is also in the course of training sales coach” program. The total twenty days of seminar participants learn individual solutions for individual sales problems to develop. You draw up a Coachingstil which gives help to self-help unless an effective new customer acquisition in dealing with clients with a difficult job situation, or with the development of a high performance sales team.

    The focus of our work is finding its own solutions”, emphasize Uwe Reusche, Klaus Kissel which bring both intensive experience in all areas of distribution. Their goal is to give the necessary tools in the hand the participants of the seminars, they need to build powerful productive sales units, in which the work of all employees is fun.

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    Title Graduates

    Klaus Resch Verlag published in 3. Edition be manual for trainee programs presents the reference national and international companies of all sizes and industries at a glance and has equally quickly established itself in graduates and companies. New ideas come from Unilever, continental, Carl Zeiss, Vodafone and Thyssen Krupp. This year again there are including MAHLE, LIDL, A.S.I and Lorenz Snack World. Engineers see trainee graduates as trainee positions as an economist. But it should also graduates of other disciplines not deter, to inform themselves on the basis of the book. The publication can be used for the General search and a first comparative overview, as well as targeted dealt with the activities of certain companies.

    A trainee profile there for each represented company. To meet the search behavior of all candidates, they are about the Print Edition, online at berufsstart.de. The profiles call contact person and contact information, Title of the program, business sector and the selected fields of study. For the detailed research can students who read usual number of participants per year and details to trace, missions abroad and starting salary. In addition to the profiles there are testimonials from former trainees or detailed individual presentations also.

    Who wants to argue his job search on graduates trainee, the book receives for free on numerous job fairs, and at universities in all over Germany. They are available in career services and other advice agencies for students in institutes, faculties, examination offices or university libraries. Alternatively, the job market on (shipping charge) can be ordered. Interested should be however not too much time when ordering, because so far, graduates trainee was always quickly sold out. This is because the attractive hardcover design in which all graduates appear publications. This year also offers a trip to New York. To the Theatrical release of Wall Street never sleeps money”on the 21.10.2010, the action is jointly organised by Twentieth Century Fox Germany, butterfly travel and berufsstart.de.

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    Germany Information

    Earn with their own eBook money produce information products on the Internet who has can qualified expert knowledge thereof and with such Internet business ideas opens a permanent and profitable source of income. The eBook Guide eBook shop on eBookPassage.de show which roads lead to success. Search the Internet three quarters of the population in our language for information. With the help of this largest knowledge database, users hope for fast and accurate answers to your questions, solutions to their problems, notes on meeting their needs. Earn money on the Internet with information products clever manufacturer of information products use these facts and earn with their expert knowledge in the form of eBooks money on the Internet.

    For example the market sites, eBay, Amazon, Google, and which show that successfully money, too much money can the Internet, Otto. This gushing money sources have all something in common, they provide useful information. Even small online shops can be Pick up market share, which holds the Internet for them. Who packed his knowledge into information products as an expert, can open up a vein of gold is so. The eBook Guide on the eBookPassage.de for example help to solve problems. Any practical help can get in the fields of Internet, motivation, debt, money and success. The author describes how he had to seek yourself solution ways to extricate itself from clutches and imbalances. His experiences, job AIDS, and documentation are excellent practice for all those who come up with these topics in contact.

    A booming market in America Internet business ideas with information products such as counselors, guidance, instructions, manuals and special reports in the form of eBooks and websites is a booming market in America. As always, this wave will spill delayed even after Germany. It is sold knowledge in special areas.

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    Understand Poetry & Poem Interpretations

    Interpretations of the poem are a Bugbear for most students. The lyric database promises to attack the helpless students on this subject under the arms. In June 2007, Dirk Niemeier started the project lyrik.antikoeperchen.de. The lyric database is specialized in interpretations of the poem and is designed to support both students and teachers. Especially students of the gymnasiale Oberstufe find valuable ideas for their homework in terms of the poem interpretation such as amazing powerful to Goethe’s or the insane by Georg Heym. Numerous poems from various periods are already in this extensive lyrics database. And still growing.

    Here you will find analyses and interpretations of well-known works. The Panther by Rainer Maria Rilke, the God of the town of Georg Heym, farewell of Joseph von Eichendorff and many more. The authors of the interpretations are mostly students or students. People who love poetry and understand. But the lyric database has still more to offer. It contains interesting Background information on the individual lyrical works, as well as information about the respective poets.

    There are also periods descriptions with information about the historical background. What was discovered in the epoch or invented, as was the political situation? Who wants to know more, find here links. Even a discussion of the construction and understanding of the interpretation of a poem is not missing on this page. And all this information around the poem, are provided free of charge by the operator. The website is clear and nicely built. A clear layout makes it easier to search. So, an interpretation, for example,

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    Sought-after Professional: Specialist For Public Relations

    PR course starts on 24.10.2008 at who wins Academy for communication e.V. in Cologne active public relations work West Germans not only in the economy, but also in the Club and associative life and local State level always higher. PR professionals are therefore popular people. For the newsmakers of tomorrow the Wochenendstudiengang specialist studies is at the West German Academy for communication e.V. To know more about this subject visit WSU lab. (CTE) Public Relations”on the program.

    The sustained one year of CTE courses specifically aimed at and intermediates in the PR. Under appropriate conditions, the in-service degree course also serves as a preparation for the IHK examination specialist for Public Relations (IHK) “.” In over 400 lessons not only the basic knowledge of classical and modern public relations is communicated to the participants rather, the students have the opportunity your expertise directly to real problems from practice to apply. So the aspiring professional hosts of the CTE developed in recent years including concepts for Bayer, continental, and Sony. This includes of course the presentation of their work before the clients. Possible, this will occur as a topic sponsor by committed companies and organizations, and leave the study complex problems to solve. A real win-win situation: On the one hand the topic sponsors receive a wealth of innovative concepts of the students and on the other hand the students are given the chance you can already during his studies proved to be. The professional areas of application are very versatile, because advertising and PR agencies, industry and media companies, associations, authorities and non profit organizations have a steady demand for PR professionals.

    Where also later the focus of interest may be, whether the strategic usage, more marketing oriented or equipped with journalistic skills, the PR professional is ideally equipped for your own career. The CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956, it places itself of companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task to educate the young for the communication industry professional and practical. Today, about 80 companies, media, agencies and associations support the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far, over 10,000 graduates have left the CTE and are today mainly in leading positions in the communications industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers 12 courses in evening, day – or Wochenendform, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position.

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    Internet Students

    As an alternative to the psychologie-study in Germany is a study in the Netherlands. It is interesting for German students that in the Netherlands there was no NC, and that there can be studied psychology in universities of applied sciences. Should you not reach the study very high NC in Germany for the psychologie-, so the universities in the Netherlands are a real alternative. The course is offered in the Bachelor phase in the Dutch language. For the psychologie-study therefore Dutch language skills are required before you can begin studying. Prior to the study, the opportunity to learn the language in intensive courses is for German students. But English is important in studying that much literature is not in translated in Dutch.

    It is possible to complete the study in English at some universities also. Psychology studies (Bachelor) includes four years in the Netherlands in universities 3 years and at universities of applied sciences. Last master’s programmes in the field of psychology Universities either 1 or 2 years. n. The different duration of study depends on the different practice: on “Hogescholen” projects and intensive group work are integrated from the first day in the academic life, on “Universiteiten” get an education then. You can choose different priorities depending on the College.

    For example, clinical psychology, work and organisational psychology or consumer behavior is possible. Is enabling the students to focus what really suits him on a topic. The entrance requirement for the “Universiteiten” is, of course, the Abitur. In some cases, universities assume certain school subjects. For ‘Hogescholen’ (universities of applied sciences), usually the educational part of the qualification is sufficient. The annual tuition amounted to 1565 (as of 2008/2009), but also the possibility of counter financing are very good. So you can for example rent the tuition and take BAfoG claimed the German international. Also the support of the Dutch state with the so-called Studiefinanciering”(student funding) is possible under certain conditions. Prospects on find more information about the Psycholgiestudium in the Netherlands../psychologie.html more information: information about the Psycholgiestudium in the Netherlands of border concepts GmbH Michael Lahey Web Editor t. 02562 9938 111 F. 02562 9938 10 Bahnhofstrasse 40 48599 Gronau – Germany Web: E-Mail: the border concepts GmbH operates the websites and. These are multimedia Internet pages to study abroad in Holland for students, teachers, parents, students and guidance counsellors with experience reports, online seminar and information about Bachelor’s and master’s degrees, universities, language courses, admission requirements and funding opportunities. The border concepts GmbH is operating a management consulting for national and international educators in the private and public sectors. Our holistic marketing approach includes strategic marketing consulting and professional implementation of marketing strategies in the sales order. The performance spectrum ranges here by market research, CI development, IT & Internet – consulting, the development of service, community & Alumni concepts for universities in terms of advice on the organisation of targeted promotion at trade fairs, events, schools & (new) media to the press communication, promotion teams training for measuring and call centers, as well as services in the field of in – and outbound telephony.


    Mental force is one of the best method, to stay mentally fit in old age, it is basically taken simply to remain mentally fit until old age. One of the best method is to keep ready the brain constantly changes. \”The book of mental force\” right here comes in and helps. The author Wolfgang Rademacher has his experience to reason given, that the brain as a muscle workout can be. Next Kraftwerke follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The big advantage for the reader: When applying the techniques from this book, it will be always and everywhere in a position, to get any yet so demanding challenge with composure and sovereignty in the handle. SELM. -Wolfgang Rademacher is in the prime of his life.

    But at a very young age he has absorbed the valuable, extensive experience of older people to people, the 70, 80 or 90 had been exceeded. \”No pensioners were\”, the author explains the fact that these higher semester \”have remained so amazingly mentally fit. Rather were \”it stayed very active Freelancer, entrepreneur, self-employed persons and artisans.\” In his conversations with these seniors Wolfgang Rademacher noticed one thing in common: these people have can make yourself while on their good financial cushion comfortable, did exactly the opposite: the motto retirement? No, thank you!\”she remained the last breath mentally fit simply active and just for this reason up to. In the intellectual upper story of this Agile old Alzheimer’s and dementia have may never spread. Differently it looks at the classic retirees\”, emphasizes the author of mental force. Who willingly moves its body on the turbos, may not be surprised, that the spirit at once puts to rest and that already from the first day of to the pension. Exaggerated said: even in the smallest pension is a perfect breeding ground for Alzheimer’s and dementia. \”These pests hailing as diseases are the typical ‘ pensioners on the order of the day, and not without reason.\” Scientists recommend many Methods that keep the brain young and fit.

    Perfect Applications

    The subject applications plays an important role for every entry level or for those who would like to professionally reorient tips and tricks for optimal universal applications to the perfect application over the Internet. (As opposed to Tiffany & Co.). Numerous guides and blogs give informative tips and tricks around application and career, which help you to create an optimal application, highlighting possible from the mass of applications. Who professionally would like to reorient, who must deal necessarily related applications. Particularly difficult is for people who already several years made no more application. Application is not the same application, and there are many little things that care must be taken.

    So much over the years and decades have changed. Today, recruiters expect perfect applications that stand out as possible from the mass of applications. To be able to score points with prospective employers and to get the chance of a personal interview, applications must thought through his and each application must be individually formulated and adapted to the potential employer. The perfect universal application in itself does not exist, because an application is only good if it is personal and tailored to the employer. What all should contain a really perfect application many from the cuff does not know this and so often not only form errors sneak but also any errors a.

    Tips and tricks for perfect applications are often published in the Internet. Blogs and Special Advisor have much potential to give not only the hint that the application should be free of spelling mistakes. Many guides and blogs on the topic of application be submitted by successful recruiters and often is long experience behind the tips and tricks here decades. So you should not mock them, but selectively implement it pays to engage themselves in the area of application-new ways, because only so can eliminate errors which have crept. It is worth new and individual hand tips and tricks from the Internet Applications to write. The most important tip is there but in advance with the company to deal, here is worth a look on the website. In addition, it should be taken in any form, the company wants the application. More and more companies rely on paperless applications. Just an online application it is interesting also to implement the tips and tricks which can be found on the Internet. It is important here to ensure that the sources from which the tips and tricks are also trusted.

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