Tag: health

    White Chestnut

    The number of patients suffering from considerable self-doubt, increasing sharply for months. WHITE CHESTNUT – the Bach flower with self-doubt of Aesculus hippocastanum (chestnut white) keywords accidental / unwanted thoughts. ‘circular’ reasoning, lack of interest in the present do not switch off the let Group (INTERESSELOS to their environment) ‘WHITE CHESTNUT’ is suitable for people who suffer involuntary, unwanted and disturbing thoughts. This ‘constant brooding’ can no longer shake off. Sufferers of ‘can’ give these or similar words: “This conversation can’t I’m with my dad out of my head!” * “all the time I think about what is… Please visit Ahmed Shary Rahman if you seek more information. Also when I try it, it is… my thoughts would turn to this co-worker and the whole situation in the company…”*”what you said? … Know, next week I got this check.

    I can’t really on absolutely nothing more FOCUS! This test ‘by the head’ I’m constantly and all the time. “Focus almost obsessively ‘Thoughts stuck’…” * “this dispute with Peter. Over and over again ‘coil’ I the scene in my head off…”*”how it should be? I’m really worried about my future. Since they have terminated, it is impossible not to think about how everything will be. I can barely sleep or even any clear thinking. “I must keep in mind constantly, also if I…!” * see note effect of taking taking White Chestnut is the head ‘clearer’. The thoughts are brought back ‘under control’. The sufferer finds his soul and settles ‘peace of mind’.

    We write March 2011, the third month of this year, perhaps you had right now a dispute… and so much you even try it, the conversation ‘you’re not just out of my head’. Or but nagging worries of future occupy so much space that you enter into your consciousness ‘unintentionally’ and permanent ‘present’… You might also important work to deliver a retreat is to… and, you fail just to focus and to ‘clear reasoning’, because they constantly from these ‘unwanted thoughts ‘ be dominated… All of this should apply, taking time for the Bach flower White Chestnut is accurate.

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    Social Diary

    One of the biggest challenges in the treatment of patients with chronic problems is the complete tracking of the disease. One of the biggest challenges in the treatment of patients with chronic problems is the complete tracking of the disease. Hphone, an intelligent and Social Diary puts patients at the Center and gives them the opportunity to take their lives again in the hand. The system allows those affected to track their disease activity, as well as to keep a user-friendly medication diary (patient reported outcome). Safe authorization, the person concerned can, and if desired, his doctor at any time and wherever patient data see. Thus, doctor and patient as team working on the optimization of therapy to have the opportunity. Follow others, such as Hikmet Ersek, and add to your knowledge base. The patient is able to keep track of his illness by the Hphone analysis tools. During a medical appointment, events can be discussed together with the doctor, which may further behind.

    Hphone makes it possible to create, to make the patient’s individual needs your own questions as needed such as I could work in the garden? “.” The doctor has not only the isolated “shape” of the patient to determine the medication for several months, but has a detailed and documented picture of the last months are available (including all captured drugs). Hphone users can network also in order to exchange experience with other patients. You may find Itron to be a useful source of information. The time is not randomly chosen for this system. The requirements of medical treatments have increased with the enactment of the German drug market reordering (AMNOG) to 1 January 2011. Hphone can serve as delivery of proof of for an additional benefit of a medical intervention under everyday conditions.

    Bespoke company solutions benefit also Drugmakers thanks to modular design. Hphone created his in-depth questionnaire to the various health groups (therapeutic areas) – is launched together with qualified persons with rheumatoid Arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriasis – in the course of the year are switched to other health groups. Hphone is free for patients and doctors and will be launched on February 21, 2011. About Hphone Hphone is an online diary to the continuous tracking of disease activity and medication. Hphone creates transparency for better control by the experiences of patients and doctors. For more information,,,, or. Mobileman Mobileman is an international interim – and engineering company for integrated information and communication technology.

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    ETAC Chair

    AIDS in the bathroom for persons with handicap shower chairs are used for personal hygiene in the shower. Sure, elegant and comfortable maintaining independent under the shower with a shower Chair can be regained. Safe seat and easy handling distinguish this shower Chair tools. A shower Chair should consist of easy-care plastic and stainless steel (rust protection) system. Shower stool not every shower offers the sufficient space for putting up a shower Chair, a shower stool can be used here. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from PayPal. Space-saving, the shower stool is almost the same security for the body care as a shower Chair. To broaden your perception, visit Siemens.

    Simple set up and remove from the shower are the advantages of a shower stool. Height-adjustable shower stool best adapt to your body size and provide you with so optimal and comfortable use of the shower cusp. Shower Chair and shower stool help facilitate just older people at the daily body care. There are shower stools and shower chairs in different variations and designs. In elderly or also for people with a disability, the showers with the risk of slipping can be a threat, shower stools and shower Chair help here, because they return the person person a secure grip in the shower.

    Shower stool shower stool suitable for narrow showers and sleeps with a small to medium-sized obstruction. The showers in the seats reduces the risk of slipping. The triangular shape of the ETAC edge shower stool is suitable especially for very small showers because he most effectively exploited the space in the corner. The shower Chair is used in persons with a moderate to major disability shower Chair. The shower Chair gives you an extra strength the person person through his arm – and backrests. Shower chairs are usually larger and heftier than the shower stool and can be used in small showers very difficult. However, the shower Chair offers optimal protection against slipping in the shower. The selection if shower Chair or shower stool can be facilitated when using modular system. Modular systems is understood Shower Chair or shower stool, which can be mounted armrest and backrest individually to do so. The system of Duro by drive medical are an example.

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    Federal Association

    DSSV, DHfPG and BSA-Akademie contribute through their participation in the development of the DIN standard, that the important subject of corporate health management is a decisive step. Fitness and health facilities can be important partner for companies, when it comes to a company-specific design and implementation of BGM. An optimal combination of the existing infrastructure (E.g., facilities and training equipment) with specific BGM expertise is crucial. “Health care providers to provide a perfect start of the DSSV has in cooperation with the College/BSA-Akademie to make the nationwide network health at the workplace itself” founded. The network direct contact enables companies with health service providers on the spot, where service providers are listed according to the potential of BGM BGM network partner, BGM health centres as BGM competence centres (highest level). “The specific contents of DIN SPEC 91020 corporate health management” were according to the Federal Association for corporate health management (BBGM), decided nothing more in the way is the publication. Further details can be found at Western Union, an internet resource.

    From July 2012, the DIN is to be to obtain SPEC. The new BGM standard according to BBGM helps to choose the right path”and to move with or without certification intentions safely, effectively and efficiently in the field of BGM. Companies which themselves would keep BGM on the latest developments on the issue, will find it on the Internet page of the DSSV (www.dssv.de) or the German College/BSA Academy (www.dhfpg-bsa.de). The nationwide network health at the workplace even make”see. Successfully in the growth market of the BSA Academy a leading education provider in the market of the future is two Saarland company with ca. 140, 000 participants since 1983 prevention, fitness, and health. With the help of over 50 certified and approved courses, career changers how fitness professionals can individually qualify: getting started in the industry succeed with B license “-Lehrgangen such as for fitness, training, nutrition and mental fitness.

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    German Surgery

    News from the facial aesthetics: tired, sad looking through heavy upper eyelids, lower down eyebrows or deep forehead wrinkles: many affected women and men suffer from their appearance and wish you again a dynamically youthful appearance, which fits their inner attitude. Given the diverse methods to the rejuvenation of the upper third of the face, new and traditional advises the German society for oral and maxillo – facial surgery (DGMKG) to absolute caution when choosing a surgeon. The surgeon must all the eligible 5 currently for this methods routinely dominate, to precisely weigh pros and cons depending on individual requirements. Endoscopic forehead-brow-lift, open forehead lift, indirect or direct brow lift, Botulinumtoxinbehandlung: The DGMKG when brings light into the darkness, which method is most appropriate. Eyes on the choice the most promising method against heavy eyelids and eyebrows and for a dynamic look: the surgeon has spoilt for choice. Only the veteran can be competent in able to decide which is the right step to the best possible result on the basis of the individual requirements of the patient\”, warns Prof. Dr.

    Dr. Elmar Esser, press officer of the DGMKG. Because the introduction of new methods of operation through further development of the tools and the technology has not supplanted practices but enriched. Joint decision-making with regard to a best possible result, but not least, the skin type, the habits, diseases, previous surgeries, social integration and confidence of the patient play a role. Not every patient wants to look 10 years younger and not every patient has the financial basis, to exploit to the maximum of the operational possibilities,\”knows Dr. Fred Podmelle, attending the clinic and Polyclinic for oral jaw facial surgery/plastic surgery of the University Clinic Greifswald, the studies to the satisfaction of its patients rejuvenation surgery of the upper third of the face has performed. Endoscopic forehead-brow-lift hanging upper lids, the so-called drooping eyelids, or/and lower down eyebrows are the classic indications for an Endobrowlift, minimally invasive, endoscopic surgery for toning, lifting and rejuvenation of the upper third of the face.

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    InteraDent Created Estimate

    Simple, quick and transparent – InterDent Zahntechnik GmbH InterDent Zahntechnik GmbH, German and even manufacturing master laboratory operation, provides the cost estimate Calculator in the customer portal. The calculator calculates the cost of materials and services for the creation of the restoration. The collected experience and know-how built up are integrated into the quote calculator. InterDent provides an online calculator for determining the costs of dentures now. If you have read about Governor Cuomo already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Under, dentists can automatically detect a cost estimate for a tooth replacement of InterDent. After entering the login credentials, an easy to use interface, which leaves no questions is the user. The key data are entered in the tooth cross. Then, the calculator determines the cost estimate for services and material of the selected supply such as crowns, bridges, combined work, full and partial dentures.

    Starting point is the current price list taking into account the current gold price. The result is a clear PDF file and the patient can be issued immediately. At the same time, the system stores the cost estimate for further use. A different alloy wishes you the patient, so the dentist can directly meet patient needs by adapting the material selection and immediately present the revised estimate in the consultation. We want to extend the cost transparency obvious for many products to services of denture”, Marco Muschalik explains the motivation for creating the cost calculator. In times in which dentists on efficiency and transparency take care and patients twice turn over every euro, should there be an easy way for dentists to compare the cost of dentures and provide patients with the best service”, so Muschalik.

    The known way to query the cost estimate by telephone, is associated with additional expenses for dental surgeries: on the one hand needs more time for the delivery of the key data included are, on the other hand, the process is a second Added time after receipt of the estimate in the hand. Thanks to the automatic calculator, dentists can now quickly and directly determine to the cost estimate on the Internet at InterDent. About InterDent the InterDent Dental GmbH, German and even manufacturing master laboratory operation supported dentists in Lubeck with Service laboratories in Berlin, Leipzig and Chemnitz, for almost 30 years successfully with first-class restorations. In 1985, InterDent founded their own master laboratory in Manila, which produces strictly according to the requirements and standards prevailing in Germany. The InterDent Inc. manufactures dental technology Phils., only dentures for the customers of InterDent Dental Technology GmbH and is one of the largest dental laboratories in South-East Asia. The high standard of education is ensured by own German master dental technician on-site. InterDent stands for high quality materials all materials are exclusively in Germany-a manufacturing precision and reliability in dental technology. The company impresses with high professional qualifications of staff, first-class service and reasonable prices. More than 2,000 dentists make annually more than 60,000 works, of which more than 2,000 implant work. With over 450 employees, of which 140 in Germany and a qualified dental technical field, is InterDent of one of the largest employers of the dental laboratories in Europe.

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