City Writing
The report and request the report and the application are types of writings in informational language located in the Group’s commercial, administrative and institutional correspondence documents. In reports and applications is essential to take into account the accuracy and objectivity of content, the effectiveness of the informative language as means of communication, respectful communication and the following qualities of writing: adequacy, clarity, correction, coherence, continuity, accuracy, conciseness, property and simplicity. To achieve the effectiveness of what was written in these documents, must take into account, according to Hilda Basulto, these indications: fix clearly the objective of the document conform to the recipient, planning carefully and sort ideas, take care with care that the tone is appropriate to the nature of the writing and the characteristics of the reader, not to write low pressure pulses or precipitation, demonstrate kindness and understanding without falling in adulation, avoid the operator, keep abreast in idiomatic terms, always take a critical attitude and self-criticism. There are many types of reports and requests, and there is no pattern or structure model for the central part or content of the writing, because that structure varies according to the content. In terms of the external form of the writing, most often is currently using the typical of the majority of the documents of correspondence form: City and date, data, identity and position of the recipient, courtesy treatment, content of the writing, farewell or thank, name and/or signature of the sender. The central part or content of these writings is developed, usually with a structure that responds to some or most of the following questions: who reports or requests? What reports or requests? Who participate or will participate? Where it happened or will happen the informed fact? What purposes or purposes have informed fact or as requested? Where or when? How much or what resources are needed? How did they develop or develop the facts? The report the report is a writing which presents, in a clear and detailed, facts or experiences that occurred, usually in a company.