Tag: users

    Business Genius

    Hello and welcome my dear reader and entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about a character very known in the business world and the financial independence and that is undoubtedly regarded as a business genius. If you do not know me my name is Enrique Gastelo and I dedicate myself to do Internet Marketing, now yes let’s see who this character is has a great influence on millions of people, since precisely for his books many people today know some terms such as financial freedom, retire young and rich, financial intelligence, leverage in the business and many other terms that are used for business and investments. Surely if you’ve already read it or you’ve seen their conferences, you know who I am talking about. I am referring to Mr Robert Kiyosaki, since this singular character has had a huge impact lately due to his controversial statements on the management of the economy of each person, which recommends that it is not enough to have a title and be a professional or lawyer, but that it is also necessary in these times, already be an entrepreneur and business owner. Credit: Jeff Gennette-2011. I.e., the ensures that the industrial era already ended (which does not goes without saying, but this fully tested) and that we are in the information age, content (these just reading content or information) and must therefore change the rules of the game also in our lives to not stay behind and then regret not having done case to this genius.

    No doubt this character also predicted the current recession living United States, and occasionally laughs in a friendly tone that politicians are going to save the nation from a future recession. Finally, there are many things to tell about this genius of the business. But his greatest advice is: start a business or attimino now. I hope I helped, I say goodbye and wish you the best.

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