Industry Itself Made: The World Is Easy To Change

    Here is the Guide for the everybody immediately can do something with (pk-k) Herdecke, 04.02.2011 – what can a single person do to make the world a little better? Since we are what we do action worldwide known”nobody needs to underestimate the effect of small steps that everyday life and quality of life everywhere and by everyone immediately can be improved. “With the book playing with: five hours for the good life” has come a further guide in bookshops, animated to deeds, where is sometimes otherwise too long tried and discussed. Change movements appeared and appear there again, where obvious problems limit the quality of life. It was always thus. In the seventies of the last century, the burden of environmental and food that was organic movement culminated the answer.

    Currently determine the foothills of the financial situations of people and States. Nothing is more as it was before. The financial transactions of banks and speculators are critical accompanied, citizens will formed and updated the requirements for elements of direct democracy. Also the idea of the unconditional basic income moves increasingly into the public discourse, and numerous initiatives have even begun to create their own, not State currencies and to bring into circulation. We find ourselves on the threshold of a new movement that could well revolutionize the central area of the economy? Long time no secret it is more that the crisis that is revealed on the vibrations of the monetary system, is a system in the strict sense.

    It’s not just about the money alone. It concerns more the principles of the economy at all. Economy, now increasingly notice that concerns us all. The entire range of economic activities reaches further and deeper into life, as described by money alone. Far less than half of all economic activities of the people held, without ever becoming connected with monetary equivalents.

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