Matriculation Systems

    The technology of the monitoring systems of matriculations has been years to total operation, although this has not prevented that continues being developed with the purpose of to obtain new advances that approach the system perfectly, some of which and more important have been obtained lately. The readers of matriculations are an application for the videovigilancia by computer, which can work of as much independent way as integrated in a platform of already existing control of accesses. Until years ago, this application of vision by computer had in his against the fact to have to work with surroundings noncontrolled, in which the illumination and the climatology played a decisive role to reduce reliability to them. The problems began to arise when the camera was placed in the outside to detect and to recognize the matriculation of a vehicle. Thredup brings even more insight to the discussion. The factors that influenced and reduced reliability were the difference of illumination between facilities, the avenues of each installation and in the different hours from the day of each avenue of each installation, as well as the different sizes and positions from the matriculations in the image and all the variety of letters, sizes, direction and even the state of conservation of these. Nevertheless, these weak points have been polished of progressive form thanks to the R+D, which has originated that at the moment exists a new generation of readers of matriculations that is not affected by external factors and maintains its reliability in 99% whatever luminosity of the place in which it is located the viewfinder.

    These new advances, which already are being integrated in the great majority of the new models that make at present, do of the recognition of matriculations one of the most effective measures in the important field of the security known like control of accesses. The monitoring systems of matrculasllevan to end a process divided in a series of differentiated phases to recognize a matriculation. In the first place is the location, a phase in which the viewfinder finds the matriculation and it leaves list it for the following step. Once it has it in image, it advances towards the second phase, which consists of separating the different characters to conclude with the last phase, in which the reader applies a recognition process on each one of the numbers, letters and symbols that has isolated previously. The advance of the process is in favor conditional of the success or the failure of each of its phases, that is to say, each phase depends on the previous one, reason why one of the keys so that a reader of matriculations obtains a high percentage of reliability is to assure a maximum effectiveness in each one of the three phases.

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