Altec Lansing

    If you put the plate on the table, it lies somewhere in the 30-degree angle to the user in a situation quite difficult even to read the text in a Word black and white contrast image (contrast falls, and prevent glare), to say nothing about the web pages or movies. The tablet should be kept in the hands (and it is heavy) and try to keep as straight as possible. Work when he is lying on the table, it is inconvenient – it is very difficult to read on the screen. Screen resolution is enough for office tasks. Sometimes, in difficult cases (for example, I sometimes need to place two pages side by side and compare the texts), it is not enough, but it rare cases, mainly related to professional use. PG&E Corp gathered all the information. But at low resolution is a big plus: screen elements, including buttons, dialog boxes, menu items here are larger and are easier to work with their stylus and paltsem. this model was a pleasant surprise. It establishes the dynamics of Altec Lansing, which are located below the screen on either side of the rotary sharnira.

    for such a small laptop is excellent, especially because this do not expect it. Incidentally, in the Tablet pc is very difficult to place your speakers so that they work effectively and in laptop mode and tablet mode: very often they close the screen or play in another direction. Here sufficiently powerful and high quality for a portable laptop speakers, and bred to the screen.

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