Assistant Work
(procedures, processes well demonstrated and confirmed). Exemplary local practice (best method to a part of the company). Practice sheet for the entire company. (best recognized by the organization that can be applied method.) The transfer process, requires time, must attend aware aware of barriers in organizations decommissioning. Obstacles: Desconocimi ento. Lack of absorption capacity. Lack of existing relationship.
Lack of incentives. Need to improve the absorption capacity and incentives of new ideas: inescapable need for changes. Objective assessment. Detailed plan for this new project, good implementation plan. Do you can be installed one? software, Assistant, to make their work plans? In fact it can be, and it may serve as a guide for organizations, being usable as a tool to achieve adapt ourselves to this problem, compiling it in a more scientific manner. Based on the analysis of the socio-technical knowledge of processes, and the comparison of variables were found with the features of the tools necessary for its preparation, background of time and available resources, as well as a homogeneity in its preparation.
It would serve not only to organize, but also to demonstrate the hierarchical activities, and those that are Inter-related a few others, and which demand a sequence in time. It is therefore important in implementing a new method of developing a work plan, keep in mind these elements: the environment determines the strategic architecture of the company: (advance or adaptation, or reaction to changes). The strategy determines the organizational architecture (variety of forms in which) It coordinates, manages the work of his staff, for the pursuit of strategic objectives). Relationship between strategy and organizational design. Relationship between organizational design without modifications. To analyze the work plan, and its preparation should be aware that: 1. We are in the information age: modern world with the Internet Intranet, e-mail, Web pages, laptops, with an incredible speed of forms of work, buy, business, communication and obtaining knowledge.