Easter Travel In Latin America

    So is celebrated Easter in four different countries of Latin America. Since the majority of the population in the Latin American countries is Catholic, the most important Festival of the year is Easter there, in addition to Christmas. In most countries take”the celebrations a week, the so called Semana Santa, the Holy week, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. It is celebrated similar from country to country, however, there are a few differences. As Easter is spent in Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, I would like to imagine now. Mexico begins Easter with a service in which made crosses be blessed palm leaves, and a subsequent procession, in which a parishioner faired as Jesus on a donkey through the village rides on Palm Sunday in the municipalities of Mexico. While there are several traditional trade fairs of the week, and on Maundy Thursday then all altars and icons in the churches with dark red cloths are imposed, until once again taken to the resurrection of Jesus, and also will no longer ring from today for three days.

    On this day, it is customary that draw Mexicans from church to church and visit to seven churches in which they ask for the forgiveness of their sins. Front of the churches, icons and candles, but also drinks and snacks to eat be sold, such as for example the traditional Capirotada. On good Friday, elaborate passion plays, which often last the weekend start in all Mexico. Holy Saturday Judas dolls from papier-mache are hung in the cities, where firecrackers are attached, they eventually bring to the explosion. The week ends on Easter Sunday, when the cloths are taken from the altars, the bells are ringing again, held the last passion plays and families celebrate together at home or on the streets, dancing, eating and drinking. The Easter celebrations in Peru begin on Palm Sunday Peru as well as in Mexico.

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