Federal Cartel Office
This scam would everywhere be applied, so the trade expert Armin Valet: only on the basis of the increased basic price can be the providers on the Are human”. The Pack price ultimately for price comparisons, uninteresting. Cartels make secret price arrangements the Federal Cartel Office imposed fines amounting to EUR 159.5 million against three coffee roasters because of price fixing. It is the company Tchibo, Melitta and Dallmayr. Since early 2000, a discussion group consists of business leaders and sales managers.
Alone the two price increases announced in December 2004 and April 2005 led to an increase in the retail prices by an average of more than one euro per 500 gram pack. EU Commission wants to control more prices recently, Member States have rubber-stamped a communication of the European Commission to the optimization of the food chain. It is among the European market, he failed in the formation of the food prices. The food industry and the food retailers had therefore spans the price sheet as the raw materials for agricultural products were more expensive, and failed again to lower prices than this Was phase temporarily. In the future, Brussels wants to point trade in the barriers by prohibiting unfair contractual practices and more controlled the prices.
BVE rejected Preismonitoring the Confederation of the food industry (BVE) rejected the EU Preismonitoring a strict. She dealt critically with the EU investigation and comes to the conclusion that the food prices on the German market are not too high. The German food market is characterised by a very strong competition, which has the result that the food prices only half have increased as much in the last 30 years as the General cost of living. Measures for the control and containment of the contest, as they the European Union discussed, unnecessary and harmful “, explains Stefan Genth, Chief Executive of the Trade Association of Germany in a press statement. In the German food retail profit margins average about 1.5 percent would be very low. The trade will give both rising Purchase prices as lower raw material – and Ernergiepreise to its customers. This is a sure sign of an effective competition to the benefit of consumers”, so next Genth. Thus, the retail sector in the economic crisis contributes to a consumer-friendly price development that beautiful the purchasing power of citizens. A European system for the price is superfluous and politically not viable therefore from our point of view.” EUR 500 million end up in the trash a German household on average for food spends almost 12 per cent of the budget, in the post-war period, it was still more than half. The strong expansion of discounters such as Aldi and Lidl helps, who set the tone in the German food market. In fact, the abundance of the modern times also on the content of our garbage cans can be read. Every fifth bread would be thrown away, in Germany food valued at 500 million euros in the waste landed, according to a report in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung. Sources: wirtschaft/service/0,1518,647924,00.html wDeutsch/download/pdf/Presse/091221_PM_Kaffeeroester.pdf news/topnews/pages/protected/show.prl?id=76791 ec.