
    Systematization of the factors responsible for the birth and development of feelings of love, showed that some of the factors themselves, not related to the attraction and needs, in turn, actively influence them. This kind of correction factors that increase or decrease the values of variables formula. For example, K2P6 – a specific value factor that takes into account the psychological impact on the surrounding solution partners with their everyday problems. Can say coefficient of ‘in-law and mother in law’. The format does not permit to elaborate on the justification of the variables and factors that make up the formula just want to-plained that the location of the variables arbitrarily, in place beginning or end of the formula in no way linked to their relevance.

    Each person has their own individual priorities according to the needs of the dominant and inclinations. Speaking of the units, which are expressed variables, remember that psychology is not mathematics and in our case, the formula – it’s not the way of calculation, it is a tool to analyze feelings and identify critical points in the relations between partners. Numeric values assigned to variables, only indicate the level of influence of a factor on the situation in general. Therefore, each expert can establish their own scale of measurement. Practice has shown that for the better of the first perception and comfort.

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