Lerna Authority

    Being the domination a type specific of being able, represented for a will of the dominador that makes with that the dominated ones act, in socially excellent degree, as if proper they were carrying of such will, what she matters, for Weber, more than the real obedience, are the direction and the degree of its acceptance as valid norm – as much for the dominadores, that they affirm and they believe to have authority for the control, how much for the dominated ones, that they believe in this authority and they interiorizam its duty of obedience. (CAMPANTE, op. cit.) You of device, due to threat that if presented in the scene, not only they observe the alliance of the Portuguese Crown with the pedlars, as well as fortify its power of independent form, creating an autarchy, as form to take precautions against this union bipolar politics. Thus, the patrimonialismo if makes well-known with its high degree of prestige, favoring a egocentrismo that transforms you of device into detainer of the local authority, exerting its force with hand-of-iron, better saying, ' ' hand-of-terra' ' (since it they had attributed the heading of Sir of the land), at this moment of decline of the olindense elite. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jeff Gennette and gain more knowledge.. The disreputation you of device with regard to the Portuguese Crown is clear, when device Mr. and the farmer was not more the allies of the sovereign, come back this toward the commerce, in its traditional politics.

    The pedlars would take the best part of the public attentions, lost the old, next privileges, dangerously next, of the aristocratic uses. The king wanted subjects and not caudilhos gentlemen, soldiers and. (FAORO, op. cit.: 164). With the separation between Olinda and Recife a bipartition of the local government occurred, making with that an administrative reinforcement of both was necessary the sides, even though had to the disputes politics, therefore, the division of the head (to be able central), in contrast of ' ' Hidra de Lerna' ' , it became the inefficacious separate parts, without regeneration possibility.

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