Michael Maccoby

    To compete with these feelings and hide them, perhaps out of insecurity, the narcissist is concerned with the establishment of its suitability, strength, beauty, status, prestige and superiority. At the same time, other narcissistic expected to accept the high esteem in which they have themselves and their needs. What is influencing their interpersonal behavior is his impulsiveness. Narcissists live under the illusion that they are to be served, that their own desires take precedence over others. They think they deserve special consideration in life. How does one recognize the narcissistic leaders? In this respect we are given some symptomatically to recognize, such as: a.

    Sense of grandeur or of special importance of the self, for example, the exaggeration of achievements and skills, focusing on issues of an extraordinary nature. b. Fantasies concern, unlimited wealth, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love. c. Exhibitionism: the person requires constant attention and admiration. d. Indifference or marked feelings of anger, inferiority, shame, humiliation, or emptiness in response to criticism, indifference of others, or defeat.

    e. At least two of the following characteristics of disturbance in interpersonal relationships: Okay. Wait for special favors without assuming reciprocal responsibilities, for example, surprised, angry, because people do not do what you expect. Interpersonal abuse. Taking advantage of others to satisfy one’s desires or for self-aggrandizement, without regard to personal integrity and the rights of others. Relationships that characteristically alternate between the extremes of idealization and devaluation. Lacks empathy. Failure to recognize what others feel, for example, one may be unable to appreciate the grief of someone who is seriously ill. Specifically stated, deemed managerial behavior that has a dose of narcissism, which can be normal and lead to success or achievement of objectives or may impair decision-making in an organization and deteriorating, interpersonal relationships inside and preventing the fulfillment of business objectives diverting turn the work of their subordinates to fulfill personal desires. Michael Maccoby, a psychoanalyst, anthropologist and consultant in his narcissistic Leader, Editorial Aguilar says, emphasizes that this leader of the narcissistic qualities that lead him to be a successful man and successful, then: making tough decisions and bold, courageously facing adversity, is charismatic and working on their projects with great passion, is persistent and remains a voracious learning, you are assured that their ideas transformed the world.

    Finally, Enebral notes that false image with your own, it is seen how dangerous it can be a narcissistic positions. Even considered that his subordinates are at your service instead of to the company, and self-interest takes precedence over legitimacy. Think that the rules are not for him and the jumps without consciousness of guilt. Although they are, or we are, many drawn, the arrogant or conceited, narcissism seems certainly something more serious, disturbing, dangerous, especially among those who manage more power.

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