Network Marketing
Work in the network business and about the network business written by a great number of positive and more negative material. In this article we will examine all aspects and issues that affect the opinions people on the network business. For those who do not know what Network Marketing is not a big help. Network Marketing is the business of direct sales, ie companies, manufacturers sell their products directly to consumers without going through wholesalers and shops, with the help of its partners. In this case, income is not only due to trade allowances, but also attracted other partners.
In promoting their products, namely, direct sales using such world World famous companies such as Avon, Enrich, Oriflame, Mary Kay, Neways, Vision, Zepter, Amway and many others. This analysis is particularly important, given the number of people engaged in them. Some statistics, worldwide turnover of network business is annually up to $ 100 billion. (International Association of Direct Sales) Amount involved in the sector of small businesses around the world, tens of millions. In Russia, up to 3 million people engaged in this activity. Analyzing the problem prevailing views on the online business need to pay attention to two main factors, a negative image and lack of information about this business. For the first time online business in Russia appeared in 1989 in place with the emergence, infamous company Herbalite "products are gradually appeared all over the country. Unfortunately, a negative image, if not ahead, then at least caught up with the distribution of products.