Registration Of Companies
The first stage of registration of enterprises in which the interaction of the applicant and the registration authority, is the time of the applicant documents. Authority for registration, may exercise all District Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. To obtain a certificate on state registration of the applicant company must first determine the specific body (the place) where you want to submit relevant documents. This issue is governed by paragraph 2 of Art. 54 of the Civil Code and pp 2 and 3 tbsp. 8 of the registration. As a general rule, to register a legal entity when it was created to apply to the authority of the Federal Tax service, the territorial jurisdiction of which extends to the location specified by the applicants in the application for state registration of the permanent executive body, in the case absence of such an executive body – to the place of another body or person authorized to act on behalf of the registered enterprises without authorization. So, before you register a legal entity Applicants must determine the location of the permanent executive body, which will be decisive in choosing a particular registration authority. If the creation of a permanent executive body of the constituent documents do not specify the legislation provides two options for determining the location of the registering body: 1) it must be related to place find another body authorized to act on behalf of the registered legal entity without a warrant (for example, the general meeting for limited liability companies), and 2) it must relate to location person is also entitled to act on behalf of the registered legal entity without a warrant (for example, the manager, the sole executive body of economic society on the basis of the contract).