SoftPlus Balloon

    An excellent form to make advertising of its mark, company or product, is through the inflatable balloons of propaganda, and the Big Format has the experience necessary to carry through the creation of these balloons. Amongst some types of balloons, it has two that they are of great search, due to its differentiated formats and so great, that attract the attention of any person. One of them is the Roof Top and as it is the Promocional Balloon in 3D. Both are of highest quality and will present its mark or propaganda well. The balloon Roof Top is a inflatable balloon in the format of a flight balloon, only that, clearly, in reduced size. This differentiated format, attracts the attention of the people and consequentemente it attracts the attention for its mark. This balloon is great, having about three meters of height and possesss internal illumination, giving still more it has detached at night to the balloon and in closed environments. The balloon rooftop is ideal for events as fairs, exposition of mark in closed environments and even though for exposition in open street.

    Beyond divulging the mark the balloon rooftop can serve to identify a commercial point. The balloon also is well easy of being installed, being able to be disassembled and to be retraced whenever necessary. Other balloons of propaganda also are available and one that if detaches easily is the Promocional Balloon in 3D, they also are enormous and can practically possess any format. It is ideal to represent symbols of mark, logotipos or mascotes, that they are the preferred ones for the advertising. He imagines to give to life to its mascote? With the promocional balloon in 3D he is possible, since the used technology allows to reproduce with perfection its mascote. The size of the promocional balloon can be from 2 meters, being able to have more than until 5 meters. The promocional balloon can have any format, amongst the works already executed by the Big Format, can take off as example of the TryOn where a tennis was reproduced using a promocional balloon of spreading.

    Or in the case of the SoftPlus, where a purificador of water with extreme allegiance was reproduced. But mascotes is the preferred ones, cachorros, rubber crabs, ducks, any model can be represented with a inflatable balloon in 3D. With 10 years of market the Big Format if specialized in the creation of promocionais balloons. Either the promocional balloon in 3D or the balloon rooftop, the Big Format possesss the experience necessary to create a balloon with quality and perfection, being guaranteed the final objective of the balloon: to divulge its mark.

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