Style Windows
Immediately after installing the operating system, Windows 7 will be invited to join it by clicking on the icon for your account on the Welcome screen. Accounts are for convenience of the computer a few people. Each a user logging in to your account, can customize the interface on their own and store files in personal folders. When protecting your account password no one can log in under your name and access to personal documents. More information about the accounts we will talk later, but for now let us return to the Welcome screen. If you are the only user of your computer and your account is not password protected, and subsequent loads the welcome screen appears and login will always be executed in your name.
After loading the operating system happens to pop up the desktop and taskbar with located on it from the Start and the notification area. When you first open the Windows 7 desktop can only see one icon – basket. As you work on a computer user himself puts icons on the desktop, they can also automatically added when you install the software. Let's get acquainted with the style of Windows Aero – one of the key elements of the interface, which was reached on Windows Vista. Contact information is here: Jeff Gennette. Windows Aero offers stunning visual effects and makes the new operating system pleasant and convenient. Translucent windows and the Start menu, the new color scheme, the effect of Flip, sketches of windows on the taskbar, animation, working with windows (folding, unfolding, closing) – all these opportunities provided by the style Windows Aero, so familiar to those who dare to install a heavy and "voracious Windows Vista.
Transparency title becomes noticeable when you move a window over the objects located below – they Fuzzy contents can be seen under the effect of the active window Flip business card of Windows 7. Flip is designed to ensure ease of switching between a large number of open windows, as orient in a large sketch is much easier than in many toolbar buttons. To perform scrolling, press the key combination Windows + Tab. As a result, the desktop will appear three-dimensional sketches of the open windows. More details with illustrations: still holding klavishy Windows, press Tab or scroll the mouse wheel to scroll through thumbnails. When the desired sample is moved to the front, release the Windows. As a result, sketch plane of the screen will move in and unfold through the window. To perform scrolling without holding the keys Windows, click klavish combination Ctrl + Windows + Tab (it is easier to browse). Continued to the next article. Source: