Unions In Brazil
UNIONS IN BRAZIL The Brazilian unions had had its gnese under the protective wings of the New State, period where the country was governed by a ditatorial regimen with populist feies, inhaled in the corporative model of Italy fascist. This does not want to say that the working movement was inexistent in Brazil. It occurs that the State, perceiving the possibility of an independent development of the unionism, if anticipated creating atrelada syndical structure to the Ministry of the Work, situation that facilitated its control through the bureaucratic machine of the government. At the time, the anarchic unionism exerted fort influence on the Brazilian unionism, mainly for the fact of the majority of the laborers, in the case of So Paulo, the biggest Brazilian industrial polar region, to be constituted in its majority by originary immigrants of Italy and Spain. Ideologically, the Brazilian unionism, exactly still incipient, was revolutionary, pautando its claims for changes in the social structure, beyond the improvement of the conditions of work and wages. Amongst the mechanisms of control of the system of syndical representation, he appeared the intervention of the Ministry of the Work whenever the Direction violated the norms established.
The proper creation of an union, depended almost that exclusively, of the ministerial approval. However, one of the mechanisms strongest for the maintenance of this system, without a doubt, was the union dues, paid compulsively for all the workers, representing one day of work and distributed, proportionally, to the federacies and the respective unions, of form that became possible the financial sustentation of little representative unions, without it has necessity of an effort of cooptao of the bases for an action politics more effective as classroom agency. Some mechanisms of control had been extirpados with the Constitution of 1988, between them, the power of intervention of the Ministry of the Work and the freedom of creation of unions, respected the limits of performance for sector and city.