Alberto Secchin

    This stretch of the story of the integralista former-controller Nelson Silvan, eyewitness of the conflict, of the one idea of the chaos that if she installed in the immediacy of the railroad station in that night of 03 of November. She had a great shoot out involving integralistas, aliancistas and elements of the state public force that had installed a machine gun nest in the front of the platform of landing of the station. Bullets zunindo for all the sides had caused an immense running for the streets central offices of the city. When smoke lowered was possible to see the dimension of the conflict: two fatal victims: Waldomiro Dos Santos, to chofer of square, and Orestes Cndido, mason. With the time the died names of the two in the station had finished being forgotten, however, the same did not happen with the militant integralista. One of the aspects most singular of the AIB was the concern in preserving and valuing the memory of its militant deceaseds in confrontations with other forces politics. The integralistas throughout its trajectory had constructed a gallery of mrtires, therefore they believed that the death did not represent the end of militancy. The deceased shirt-green if would incorporate the other world call Military service.

    The AIB was very efficient in the direction to create a series of rituals and on ceremonies to in mourning moments that vitimaram its militant ones. The organization used all the existing resources at the time to transform the fatal victims of the street conflicts into true heroes of its cause. Another strategy important of the integralistas to perpetuate in the memory of its militant souvenirs of its mrtires was the practical one of ' ' batizarem' ' innumerable integralistas schools with the died names of these militant ones. Also, innumerable schools kept for the AIB had gained the name of Alberto Secchin. Between them we can cite one in Fields of the Goytacazes (RIO DE JANEIRO), one in the region of Gamboa, the city of Rio De Janeiro (old Federal District) and another one in the locality of Beautiful Sight, in Passo Fundo (RS). It is important to detach the ability of the shirt-greens in creating and constructing rituals, ceremonies, moments, at last, an ample and complex cast of events that had as purpose to detach not only its mrtires individually, but, above all, glue these images and representations of sacrifice and herosmo to the integralista movement in general. If to think that the integralistas if had put in the paper of vanguard of the combat to ' ' comunistas' ' of the ANL and, on account of this, if they involved constantly in street conflicts, certainly believed that &#039 was necessary; ' to prepare espritos' ' of its militant young. For more elementary than it can seem, the simple conception of that a integralista would be perpetual was one of the essential elements that, possibly, during the conflicts of street with anti-integralistas forces, it served of stimulaton, it stimulated and it encouraged new the militant ones in the direction of will be looked at oneself in the mirror in the glorious example of mrtires of the integralismo.

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