Moroccan Diplomacy

    First the Moroccan minister of the Foreign affairses visits the Argel of a head of the Moroccan diplomacy since 2003 and of the cooperation, Saad Eddine Othmani, he initiates in this monday 23 of January one visit of two days to Algeria. This is the first official visit the Argel of a head of the Moroccan diplomacy since 2003. It must find its homologous Algerian, Mourad Medelci; also will be received by the president of the republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. One visits seen as historical for the Moroccan side. First time in nine years, officially inquires the visit of the new Moroccan Minister of the Foreign affairses. The interpretations are many, and it is not by chance. The relations between Morocco and Algeria had been tense per many years, mainly because of the litigation on the Saara Occidental person.

    Morocco demand the sovereignty of this region. Algeria, it defends a regulation with respect the autodermino of the people sarau. Finally, the terrestrial border between the two countries was closed per almost 18 years, according to diplomats, the heads of state of both the countries are incapable of if speaking preventing any right contact in congress, cimeira or in the cupolas. But in the last months, the signals of the heating had increased. Of delegations of the two countries already they had changed to visits some times, and the King Mohammed VI reiterated, with the hands extended for Algeria. To end, the Algerian authorities had agreed for the first time so that the Moroccan ciclista stroll crosses the famous border. Asking then if to these facts and visits they mean that the countries they had embedded machadinha of war? That is what it waits the Moroccans. Because this quasi cold war penalizou the socioeocnmicos economy of the Kingdom and sectors that depend on the Algerian oil. The negotiations and consultations continue to advance the wait to open the borders and to retake the questions hot as the dossier of saara occidental person.

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