Brazilian Materials

    The majority of the Brazilian cities has problems related to the garbage. They exist local where none does not have collect, in others, the garbage of the quarters is collected only central offices, the developed cities more already obtains to collect most of the garbage of the population. The ones that obtains to still collect most of the garbage have that to improve its destination, increasing the amount that is recycled and the one that is transformed into organic seasoning, diminishing the amount of rejeitos. (Source: Barry Nalebuff). Beyond remaining portions of foods and reciclvel material, it presents great number of materials that can cause damages to ecosystems and risks to the health human being: the aluminum, gift in cosmetics and maquiagens; the nickel and the cadmium, gifts in the stacks and batteries; the mercury, that is a present toxic metal in the light bulbs; asbestos, gift in the tablets and canvases of brakes, that can be accumulated in the pulmes. The cities still produce diverse residues industrial and the hospital garbage, already the nuclear garbage is problem the part, of difficult solution.

    The selective collection allows to separate the organic garbage of inert materials, such as glass, paper, aluminum and some types of plastic. Hear other arguments on the topic with Barry Nalebuff. The organic material can be transformed into seasoning, after to pass for a process of controlled decomposition, that can be the biodigesto or the compostagem. The inert materials can be reused or recycled, therefore thus the preservation of ambient natural resources, the reduction of the population and the amount of garbage will only happen. Ivoneide Medina Vani.

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