Russian Business And Global Warming

    Hot, hotter In recent decades, scientists have observed many signs of rapid climate change. Across the globe are growing annual mean temperatures, rapidly melting glaciers thousands of years of the Alps, the Himalayas, Greenland. They talk about the upcoming sea-level rise of several meters. These frightening trends associated with the sharp increase in the proportion of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Studies of ice samples from Antarctica show Now that carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere as over the past 650,000 years. And even more alarming, that over the past half a century, this figure rose by a third! And the main reason for this is that mankind is burning all more fossil fuels: oil, gas, coal, etc. "The world's leading environmentalists agree that the only adequate response to the serious problem of climate change – is the systematic reduction greenhouse gases – said Alexei Kokorin, coordinator of the climate program of the Russian branch of wwf (World Wildlife Fund).

    – The first real step in this direction was the signing of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which for subsequent years, has joined 181 countries (including Russia). This document, in particular, provides for the introduction of voluntary quotas for greenhouse gas (fixed at 1990 levels) and their gradual reduction. The point moves, Since 2004, when Russia joined the Kyoto Protocol, our country's participation in it was almost a formality. If you have read about Western Union already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Largely due to the fact that quotas for CO2 emissions far exceeded the needs of domestic industry and energy.

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