Sought-after Professional: Specialist For Public Relations
PR course starts on 24.10.2008 at who wins Academy for communication e.V. in Cologne active public relations work West Germans not only in the economy, but also in the Club and associative life and local State level always higher. PR professionals are therefore popular people. For the newsmakers of tomorrow the Wochenendstudiengang specialist studies is at the West German Academy for communication e.V. To know more about this subject visit WSU lab. (CTE) Public Relations”on the program.
The sustained one year of CTE courses specifically aimed at and intermediates in the PR. Under appropriate conditions, the in-service degree course also serves as a preparation for the IHK examination specialist for Public Relations (IHK) “.” In over 400 lessons not only the basic knowledge of classical and modern public relations is communicated to the participants rather, the students have the opportunity your expertise directly to real problems from practice to apply. So the aspiring professional hosts of the CTE developed in recent years including concepts for Bayer, continental, and Sony. This includes of course the presentation of their work before the clients. Possible, this will occur as a topic sponsor by committed companies and organizations, and leave the study complex problems to solve. A real win-win situation: On the one hand the topic sponsors receive a wealth of innovative concepts of the students and on the other hand the students are given the chance you can already during his studies proved to be. The professional areas of application are very versatile, because advertising and PR agencies, industry and media companies, associations, authorities and non profit organizations have a steady demand for PR professionals.
Where also later the focus of interest may be, whether the strategic usage, more marketing oriented or equipped with journalistic skills, the PR professional is ideally equipped for your own career. The CTE – West German Academy for communication e.V. Since 1956, it places itself of companies and agencies in the life called and recognised as CTE e.V. of the task to educate the young for the communication industry professional and practical. Today, about 80 companies, media, agencies and associations support the educational mission of the Association through their membership. So far, over 10,000 graduates have left the CTE and are today mainly in leading positions in the communications industry. In the areas of communication and marketing the CTE offers 12 courses in evening, day – or Wochenendform, where currently just under 400 students are enrolled. Nationwide, the CTE thus occupies a leading position.