Tag: as goals


    When Internet has become the place where you want to play you in the present and future, learning, growing and developing you within it, one of the new habits that you purchase is the exchange views and information with other peers who have had different and interesting experiences to their own and which are also very appealing, but above all, where there is always something to learn. Fruit of this Exchange came to me a small anecdote, one of those who have had much success in this medium, and which respect won’t appoint, that told me how it took more than two years to reach its first objective because, at its inception, was left to influence by others who overwhelmed negative and self-defeating thoughts. Certainly not the only one, but if one of the impediments that tend to hinder and largely impede the placing, the performance and even until the results of the Internet business is the opinion of others. And so much so that they turn in opinions of weight, to which we assign a value to no We must, because our doubt or insecurity of be dabbling in unknown terrain, the overestimates. But how can it be that not support me in this decision?, would be a reasonable question to become. I tell you what I think in this regard, it can of course be objectionable. Everytime you do something new, it is a change, everytime you produce a change, grow, and not everyone sympathizes with your growth.

    Beyond prudent or measured opinion that may have your loved ones, seeking to protect you or help you, ultimately only want your well-being and that it is understandable and meritorious, are the opinions of those who would not like your change. And those are the worst. It is what I think. Because only by doing our own experiences we will know what it is. I have obtained poor results in certain business gives me no authority to ensure that it is or that it is trash, maybe I didn’t have the capacity to carry it out. For that reason I must disappoint you with your project? Just as we all are different, also produce results different, that I do not I was perhaps to thee be bright, who can know it? I believe that we must draw our own conclusions that are obtained from our own experiences and that are, for us, the more valid, but only for us. It doesn’t matter if it goes well or ill never lose because you’ve gained new experience and that has no value; do not stay with the doubt of knowing that it is. Do not be influenced by the opinion of others, takes all the precautions you can, question, investigates, finds out, and if you’re not going to take specific project forward, that because your own opinion so deemed.

    Finally: I say goodbye with these two interesting thoughts if you attract a little light, follow it. What leads you to the swamp? already come out of him! But if you don’t follow her life you martirizara you thought that perhaps it was your star. Hebbel. thou art the deep desire that propels you as it is your wish is your will as it is your will are your actions as they are your actions is your destination.

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