Occidental Powers
In the occasion the president of the United States, Barack Obama, affirmed soon after knowing of the nuclear test carried through by the communist country, that the action north-native of Korea was a threat to the international peace soon after to declare in uprising read in the White House, that the attitude of the regimen of Pyongyang was ‘ ‘ irresponsvel’ ‘ one ‘ ‘ breaking to the right internacional’ ‘. At that time I remember very well that an former-ally, Russia also condemned the test. In accordance with the BBC Brazil, the minister of the Russian Exterior, Sergei Lavrov, affirmed at that moment that the country was ‘ ‘ preocupado’ ‘ that the tests were ‘ ‘ a blow in the efforts of not proliferao’ ‘. Western Union is the source for more interesting facts. China, an unconditional ally of Pyongyang, by means of its ministry of the Exterior affirmed in an official notice that ‘ ‘ the Chinese government age against, of form resoluta, the nuclear test of the Popular Democratic Republic of the Coreia of the north ‘ ‘. Also the British former-first-minister, Gordon Brown, also condemned of vehement form the action north-native of Korea and said that it ‘ ‘ he would go to mine the possibility of peace in the korean peninsula and he would not help to the security of the Coreia of the north ‘ ‘. sentenced: ‘ ‘ The international community goes to deal with the Coreia the north as a partner if it to behave in responsible way..