Tag: government and politics

    Occidental Powers

    In the occasion the president of the United States, Barack Obama, affirmed soon after knowing of the nuclear test carried through by the communist country, that the action north-native of Korea was a threat to the international peace soon after to declare in uprising read in the White House, that the attitude of the regimen of Pyongyang was ‘ ‘ irresponsvel’ ‘ one ‘ ‘ breaking to the right internacional’ ‘. At that time I remember very well that an former-ally, Russia also condemned the test. In accordance with the BBC Brazil, the minister of the Russian Exterior, Sergei Lavrov, affirmed at that moment that the country was ‘ ‘ preocupado’ ‘ that the tests were ‘ ‘ a blow in the efforts of not proliferao’ ‘. Western Union is the source for more interesting facts. China, an unconditional ally of Pyongyang, by means of its ministry of the Exterior affirmed in an official notice that ‘ ‘ the Chinese government age against, of form resoluta, the nuclear test of the Popular Democratic Republic of the Coreia of the north ‘ ‘. Also the British former-first-minister, Gordon Brown, also condemned of vehement form the action north-native of Korea and said that it ‘ ‘ he would go to mine the possibility of peace in the korean peninsula and he would not help to the security of the Coreia of the north ‘ ‘. sentenced: ‘ ‘ The international community goes to deal with the Coreia the north as a partner if it to behave in responsible way..

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    Renegar History

    Edson Silva the fact of president Dilma Rousseff, elect democratically for the majority of Brazilian us, to have been one of thousand of courageous people whom they had not accepted of ‘ ‘ throat abaixo’ ‘ the Military dictatorship of 1964, for the skill, will be true chronic quarrel and ‘ ‘ horse of batalha’ ‘ of its government. Under allegation of revanchismo, reactionary sectors want to forget that in Brazil it had persecution politics, tortures, exiles, disappearances and deaths of hundreds of people, the majority whose only ‘ ‘ crime’ ‘ was to love the native land the point that not to want it tutored person for generals and slave of foreign interests. I do not see revanchismo in if placing to clear a History of our country. Shame is to renegar or to censure History. I admire, for example, the persistence of the Jewish community in relation to the terrible Holocausto, occurred has 65 years, between 1939 and 1945, with extermnio of more than 6 million Jews. They are errors that cannot be forgotten so that they are not happened again and culprits must yes to be punished. In the case of Brazil, the most recent Dictatorship To militate, it, occurred has 25 years, between 1964 and 1985, with at least 475 missing people and the families of these victims they deserve satisfactions. For what note, it is looked like that it has people that prefers to erase History, as occurs in controversial book 1984, romance of the English author Eric Arthur Blair, known for the pseudonym of George Orwell.

    The publication is of 1949 and portraies daily of a regimen the totalitarian and repressive politician who changed historical facts capable to bother the effective system. To reach such objectives, documents were counterfeited, literature historical rewrite, at last facts were manipulated, exactly what Dilma and some integrant ones of its government seem that they will not admit. Into the real world, recently the minister of Dilma, Maria of the Rosary (Secretariat of the Human Rights) insinuated that official documents on the military dictatorship would have been destroyed in the government of Fernando Enrique Cardoso. When making the hint, the minister struck declaration of former-president of whom archives of the dictatorship do not exist more. FHC would say to be in favor of the opening of the archives, but it did not advance, therefore nothing it would be found and it alleged to have signed ‘ ‘ by mistake ‘ ‘ decree that drew out per 50 years the secrecy on the archives. Here pra we, ‘ ‘ engano’ ‘ difficult to swallow come of somebody had as cultured sociologist. Already they had thought if the author of said ‘ ‘ engano’ ‘ it was Squid? Certainly it would be massacreed by the media.

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