Peru’s Economy: Steps In The Right Direction
It seems that Alan Garcia wants the management claimed that government is pursuing. And indeed, many Peruvians doubted he could do it … is that, as the following sentence: “The milk was burned, go to the cow and cries,” the experience of his first government did not speak well of him. Today, from my point of view, I understand that the administration of Alan Garcia is on the right track. It is true that there are still many problems in Peru, but slowly and surely, from the government were looking for a solution. Thredup has compatible beliefs.
In this connection, I want to tell two stories that seem to be negative coldly heard, but in reality are very positive for the Peruvian economy. They are the announcement of the reduction in the projected fiscal surplus for 2009 (and beyond) and the signing of two TLC. For 2009, the government of Alan Garcia foresees a reduction in its fiscal surplus of half a percentage point in terms of GDP, placing it at 1.5% (for this year, the projected surplus is 2%) and hopes that it is located around 1% for 2011. On the day yesterday, was made the signing of FTAs with Canada and Singapore. Surely more than one must be thinking that I am quite wrong in what I’m saying … What I can say that is positive reduction in Peru’s fiscal surplus? What I can say that is positive the signing of the FTA which may endanger some of the country’s productive sectors? Two of the questions we often hear from readers of Peru concerning the situation in that country were the problems of infrastructure investments and the problem of social inequality.