Tag: the present time

    Tourist Buses

    If you want to know Paris a different form and comfortable the option can interest you to realise a tourist excursion with this means, the tourist buses. Many travellers, or are single or in family they choose this means if they wish to know Paris without having to practically worry don’t mention it, since he agrees to mention that in just a short time you realise visits of the important sites the more of the city. In addition as it realises several shutdowns always you can lower and raise so many times as you want, that yes, is a time that there is to respect not to lose the bus. For the hiring of a tourist Bus you have the possibility of contracting the services of two existing companies in Paris. OpenTour and the other company of buses Car Rouges is Them. Both agencies of transport also are dedicated to the Rent of Buses and have fleets of buses of two very comfortable and extensive floors that already follow certain established routes and with shutdowns in the main tourist destinies of the city, as they can be museums, historical monuments, sites of general interest, cultural cities and other tourist attractions. Like in practically all the services of this type, you have to your disposition once you buy ticket earpieces that connected to the system of audio of the bus you will be able to listen to in different languages descriptions from each zone of interest that is crossing the bus.

    With respect to the tariffs, schedules and routes of these two Companies of tourist Buses we will mention to groso way the following points: OpenTour: It has these four routes; Paris Grand Tour, Bastille-Bercy, Montmartre-Grands Boulevards, Montparnasse-Saint Germain. These 4 routes can be realised with a single ticket (for a day or two). The price for adult goes up to around the 30 Euros in the case of a day and 35 for two days. and for children the 15 Euros? Schedule; Usually it is of 9:30 in the morning and until the 18:40 of afternoon, with a frequency among 15 and 25 minutes, following the time of the year. Them Car Rouges: This agency covers a route with 9 shutdowns; Tour Eiffel, Champ de Mars, Muse du Louvre, Notre dame, Muse d Orsay, Lafayette Opera, Champs Elyses, Grand Palais, Trocadero. The tickets are valid for two days, whenever they are consecutive and the price is economic than OpenTour, concretely about 22 Euros for adults and 11 for minors of 12 years? Schedule; Operative from the 9:30 in the morning and to the 20:00 of afternoon, with a frequency among 10 and 20 minutes. Information contributed by Bookingbus, Rent of Buses and Bus

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    Commerce Logo

    If it has a commerce located on foot of street where it takes care of the public it can take advantage of the great surface that offers its show window or showcase to him to represent its logo in a predominant place. The vinyls are material ideals for the impression and rotulacin of logos and its later application in diverse surfaces and supports like the crystal. The vinyls in addition are material lasting and resistant, which turns to them into the ideal form to reproduce its logo in the outside of its premises. It considers the basic principles of reproduction of his logo: to maintain the color, forms, clarity and the same typography that uses in all the other communications of the same. The advantage that to him the vinyls in front of other materials offer is that they allow him to reflect the original color faithfully, being able to almost reach a homogeneity of reproduction of the one hundred percent. The high levels of impression will also allow him that any detail of its corporative image with the reproduction is not lost. The commerce and businesses are many that are united to the present tendency to use " vinyls of effect cristal".

    These are comfortable since they prevent the vision giving to the premises a certain sensation of privacy, but do not reduce the luminosity that gives to any stay the use of the glass, do not darken the room or the premises. In offices where it is taken care of the public as banks or travel agencies, dividing screens need enters the different writing-desks to give to the client the privacy sensation that needs to carry out its managements. In order to contribute to the creation of a space ample and abierto these screens they can be of crystal, and to give this perception of privacy it is possible to be resorted to reproduce the logo of the company in the same through a vinyl. This material also can be very useful like substitute of the painting on opaque surfaces. The facility of their application and substitution when more does not need turns, it into an attractive form to avoid works and the usual annoyances to have to paint stays of their business And the best thing, will not have to close while it is applied! Original author and source of the article.

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