Tag: transactional

    Corporate Social Responsibility Business

    Developed by: MsF.Econ. Felix CAMPOVERDE VELEZ College Professor and business consultant, Guayaquil-Ecuador companies not always broken due to lack of resources but its administration face the uncertainty of business bankruptcy, financial crises, and the corruption scandals that occurred in large multinational corporations, and at the Government level, the desire to obtain the maximum benefits, accelerated has led to question the model traditional and predominant do company propose Milton Friedman(monetarista Liberal-1970)According to which the aim of the corporations is maximize and optimize their levels of economic benefits and that if company sacrifice profits on behalf of social responsibility – thinks Friedman – it would be less attractive for investors, workers and consumers, and in the long run would perish with the competitors. The questioning of Friedman, has its validity since costs and expenses we only found within the company and outside it we find customers, who generate the revenues (sales), in recognition of the quality, of the services or product that is offered, which gives stability and business growth in the market, generating comparative advantages that are manifested in the ability, resources, knowledge, and attributes etc, with which the company faces competitors who lack it. The origin of the movement of corporate SOCIAL responsibility.-some authors pointed out the Decade of the thirties and others in the 1970s, but the truth is that since the nineties this concept has been gaining momentum and evolved constantly, after the advent of globalization, the acceleration of economic activity, the consciousness ecological and development of new technologies. Corporate Social responsibility (CSR), is now a factor of competitiveness not only between enterprises themselves, but between countries seeking to position itself in new trading blocs, the European economic community has given coverage and encourages the application of CSR what is Social responsibility Corporate Social responsibility o Corporate (CSR or RSC).-is a model of corporate governance adopted by the senior management of a company to act on benefits of different groups to which it relates (stakeholders or interest groups: clients, employees, suppliers, shareholders, community and State), through the fulfilment of obligations and commitments, legal and ethical, so companies are socially responsibleactivities carried out and which are oriented to the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its members, of the society and who benefit from your business, as well as, to the care and preservation of the environment, incorporating economic, social and environmental dimension in the strategic planning of their operations.

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