Tag: translations

    Bureau Translation

    Then everything is simple. Those who are better cope with the task is declared the winner of the tender. At least, it should be ideally. In fact, one can not in any way to forget about the "kickbacks" that is, bribes, a person who makes a final decision on the winner (except when the person and the owner of the company-customer – the same people). No, I do not think we are not calling to combat bribery in particular, and the harsh laws of capitalism in general.

    This useless. Just "thanks" to such a scheme, the end customer can receive low-quality product, but such situations are relevant to spoil the whole industry. Poor execution of a large project one large office reserves unpleasant taste in at least this customer to all translation companies. What should be afraid of the bidders? The next moment is, rather, to the category of scams. Often one of the requirements for participants Tender is the provision of qualifications of interpreters, who are planning to bring to fulfillment of all the workload. This seemingly harmless fad is fraught with grave danger. This is roughly the same as that required coordinates vendors from all companies that provided estimates of the proposal to equip the building ventilation system. Very likely the following outcomes: office, arranged the tender, collects information about the best interpreters What, in fact, part office and limited.

    Having a name (indicated in diplomas), the contact details of people in our time – the case of five minutes. That there are such despicable people These leading interpreters – in fact, commercial mystery, to reveal that it is not necessary. Indeed, in the end, there is no guarantee that the translation will do exactly those performers whose diplomas were given, and any potential customer should understand that. Taking responsibility for the translation, the Bureau agrees to perform quality and timely work, but the right to choose an interpreter with the reserves. And the last nuance to keep in mind, even winning Tender and signing the contract. Initiate the competitive selection, review the results and then "lead" to work with the winning translation agency, usually by different people. And it often brings a lot of headaches. Paradoxically, he translation style, thanks to which won the tender, then can be perceived with hostility. In general, many people, so many opinions. We summarize. For all its faults, the tender – the only way get the best quality at the best price.

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