The Development And Education
When we saw the issue of the Decalogue of development, I think that the majority had already made the main questions, are why we are still underdeveloped having so much wealth in the country?, because European countries that do not possess even half of natural resources that we have, or territorially speaking arrive having dimensions such as ours, can be world powers?, how despite having suffered no more than 60 years ago a war that devasto them?they could recover their economies as soon?. It is true that most of these countries have age-old cultural traditions and ours don’t. It is frightened figures that are handled as official as soon as it corresponds to educational indices and compared with any other European country, and even I could say the same Latin America. What we see today is a reflection of the deterioration that continues in the country and it is sad to see that we are going backwards instead of improving. Although there are companies that offer cutting-edge technology do so because they are transnational which have contact with the globalised world, competing in a market world and left behind for them would mean death, financially speaking. The rest of the country this submerged or it is rather, to my point of view, submerging in a vast mediocrity without end, just turn on the television and take a look at national television programs, that do not contribute anything educational and only generate youth misconceptions, apathy and apathy to improve their current living conditions.
My hope is that now people concerned about a change in educational systems, precisely because they have access to other sources of information and is one of the good things in this globalized world, information flows, already cannot be stopped. I hope that each who become aware of the preparation that should receive to improve and strive for a better use of resources and at the same time search for a sustainable development, for the benefit of future generations. As each who will take conscience of this, I think that he could forge a change, after all drop in drop the sea is full.