Village Isabel

    This moves directly with quarters that are next to the stadium, as Village Isabel, Tijuca and Is Cristvo. If in the Bar the population has purchasing power to follow the valuation, the same does not happen with some quarters as, for example, They are Cristvo. Today, the square meter in the region costs about R$ 2 a thousand, while the familiar income of the population of the quarter is of R$ 2,5 a thousand. If the projection of the specialists and investors if to confirm, and the property really to value about 70%, the square meter in quarters as Are Cristvo and Santa Teresa goes to jump almost of R$ 2 a thousand for R$ 3,5 a thousand. In if treating to what we are accustomed to see in Brazil, what very probably it does not go to increase is the familiar income of the population of the quarters, who will continue, respectively, in the house of the R$ 2,5 a thousand and R$ 3 a thousand.

    What this means? That the profile of inhabitants of the quarter can move. The people inside look houses of its real estate financial possibilities through or buscadores as The public whom he would look for property in Is Cristvo will leave to make it, therefore he will not obtain to pay. Who deferred payment in the quarter and to want to vender its property also can face difficulties to find a purchaser. It sees below the ratio of the price of the square meter of some quarters and the familiar income of the families who inhabit in it: Structure: inheritance well cursed coming or? You do not invest to R$ 600 million only in a stadium, but also in all the community around it. Thinking about the Pantry and the Olimpadas, all a structure will be raised, and this picture also helps to value the property.

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