Tag: environment

    System Of Ambient Management

    This article shows the importance of the Ambient Education as foundation for the implantation of the based System of Ambient Management in ISO 14001 in the Organizations. Word-key: Ambient education, Organizations, System of Ambient Management, 14001 ISO INTRODUCTION the compromised organizations are each time more with the improvement of its ambient performance, by means of one better control of the ambient aspects of its activities on the environment. The System of Gesto Ambiental (SGA) based in ISO 14001 is a developed structure so that the organizations can consistently control its impacts on the environment and improve continuously the developed activities. Cedars Sinai helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. AMBIENT EDUCATION AND ISO 14001 Understands for ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support (Law N 9,795, 1999). To the companies, public and private entities of classroom, institutions, are charged to promote programs destined to the qualification of the workers, aiming at to the improvement and the effective control on the work environment, as well as on the repercussions of the productive process in the environment (Law N 9,795, 1999). As Queiroz (2007), the implantation of the System of Gesto Ambiental (SGA) as norm ISO 14001 has the objective to result in the improvement of the ambient performance of the organizations. To broaden your perception, visit Teng Yue. As Port (2003) the related norm placed the ambient question in the agenda of the high administration of the companies; it took the subject environment to the employees of all the levels; it invested in the processes with sights to the continuous improvement; provoked a effect-cascade in the productive chain, with suppliers of companies certifyd being obliged, for force of the market, also to implant the SGA.

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    Brazilian Materials

    The majority of the Brazilian cities has problems related to the garbage. They exist local where none does not have collect, in others, the garbage of the quarters is collected only central offices, the developed cities more already obtains to collect most of the garbage of the population. The ones that obtains to still collect most of the garbage have that to improve its destination, increasing the amount that is recycled and the one that is transformed into organic seasoning, diminishing the amount of rejeitos. (Source: Barry Nalebuff). Beyond remaining portions of foods and reciclvel material, it presents great number of materials that can cause damages to ecosystems and risks to the health human being: the aluminum, gift in cosmetics and maquiagens; the nickel and the cadmium, gifts in the stacks and batteries; the mercury, that is a present toxic metal in the light bulbs; asbestos, gift in the tablets and canvases of brakes, that can be accumulated in the pulmes. The cities still produce diverse residues industrial and the hospital garbage, already the nuclear garbage is problem the part, of difficult solution.

    The selective collection allows to separate the organic garbage of inert materials, such as glass, paper, aluminum and some types of plastic. Hear other arguments on the topic with Barry Nalebuff. The organic material can be transformed into seasoning, after to pass for a process of controlled decomposition, that can be the biodigesto or the compostagem. The inert materials can be reused or recycled, therefore thus the preservation of ambient natural resources, the reduction of the population and the amount of garbage will only happen. Ivoneide Medina Vani.

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    The Formation

    Ambient Justice, is thus: an emergent notion that integrates oprocesso historical of subjective construction of the culture of rights in the bulge deum expansion movement semantics of the human, social, economic rights, cultural eambientais. In the recent experience, ambient justice appeared strategical dacriatividade of the social movements, modifying the configuration deforas social involved in ambient fights e, in determinadascircunstncias, producing changes in the state and regulatrioresponsvel device for the ambient protection (ACSELRAD, 2005, P. 223). The fights for justice ambientalcombinam the defense of rights the culturally specific environments; the proteoambiental against the partner-territorial segregation and the inaquality ambientalpromovidas by the market; to the environmental resources, being contrary, therefore, aconcentrao of the goods ambientaisnas hands of the great entrepreneurs; as well as adefesa of the rights of the future populations, through the interruption dosmecanismos of transference of the environmental resources of the development for favored osmenos economically, a time that ' ' while males to ambientaispuderemser transferred to poor, the general pressure on meioambiente not cessar' ' (ACSELRAD, 2005, P. 226). Soon, the idea centralda ambient justice must be the mobilization of the biggest number of pessoasengajadas in the fight to bar the destructive pressure on the environment that de all we, but one fights conscientious of that the first step is to protect osmais weak. Only thus, ambient justice will be effectively a decidadania instrument.

    REFERENCES ACSELRAD, Henri. Ambient justice: Narratives of Resistance to the Social Risk Acquired in eCaminhos Meeting: Formation of Educators (you are) Ambient and Collective Educadores.Braslia: MMA, 2005. OAK, Isabel Cristina de Ambient Moura.Educao: The Formation of the Ecological Citizen. 2.ed. So Paulo: Cortez, 2006. RABBIT, Ricardo. Ambient eJustia racism. Available in: , 2007.

    Access in: 03/05/2009. MARTINEZ, Pablo Enrique. HistriAmbiental in Brazil: research and education. So Paulo: Cortez, 2006. PORTO-GONALVES, Carlos Walter. The Globalization dNatureza and the Nature of the Globalization. Rio De Janeiro: CivilizaoBrasileira, 2006.

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