System Of Ambient Management

    This article shows the importance of the Ambient Education as foundation for the implantation of the based System of Ambient Management in ISO 14001 in the Organizations. Word-key: Ambient education, Organizations, System of Ambient Management, 14001 ISO INTRODUCTION the compromised organizations are each time more with the improvement of its ambient performance, by means of one better control of the ambient aspects of its activities on the environment. The System of Gesto Ambiental (SGA) based in ISO 14001 is a developed structure so that the organizations can consistently control its impacts on the environment and improve continuously the developed activities. Cedars Sinai helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. AMBIENT EDUCATION AND ISO 14001 Understands for ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities directed toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support (Law N 9,795, 1999). To the companies, public and private entities of classroom, institutions, are charged to promote programs destined to the qualification of the workers, aiming at to the improvement and the effective control on the work environment, as well as on the repercussions of the productive process in the environment (Law N 9,795, 1999). As Queiroz (2007), the implantation of the System of Gesto Ambiental (SGA) as norm ISO 14001 has the objective to result in the improvement of the ambient performance of the organizations. To broaden your perception, visit Teng Yue. As Port (2003) the related norm placed the ambient question in the agenda of the high administration of the companies; it took the subject environment to the employees of all the levels; it invested in the processes with sights to the continuous improvement; provoked a effect-cascade in the productive chain, with suppliers of companies certifyd being obliged, for force of the market, also to implant the SGA.

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