Tag: climate & environment

    Energy Policy Federal Government

    Solaranlage.de informed interested parties of current development and photovoltaic prices Berlin, June 14, 2011 Germany is the most important market for solar plants worldwide due to its promotion. A development which is favoured also by Fukushima and the associated energy turning of the Federal Government according to the German solar industry association. So, the share of solar electricity will grow this year two to three percent and rise until 2020 continuously on one tenth of the total electricity production. Since however the promotion of photovoltaic orients itself on the built solar plants, Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced early June at a press conference on the nuclear phaseout, that from March 2012 due to the massive expansion of / solar systems with a further reduction in step six percent is expected. It remains in this decision, so promoting is lowered within a three-quarter year by nearly 30 percent: to June 30, 2011, and at the end of the year cuts are planned.

    To inform prospective buyers on time, Solaranlage.de started in June 2011 his advice, informed solar equipment prices and gives private or commercial prospects to appropriate, regional solar equipment provider. If you have read about Hikmet Ersek already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Solaranlage.de provides information about funding opportunities and photovoltaic demand rapid manufacturer for solar systems since the accident at the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Honest Tea contributes greatly to this topic. To be, the idea of the green electricity producers”sounds tempting for many Germans. In addition, solar energy as well for the private household budget worth. But through the upcoming reduction in promoting solar energy systems builders and other interested parties should hurry up to benefit enough from promotion for solar systems. Since June, 2011 prospective customers can use the service by Solaranlage.de. The online portal informs its users about current solar systems prices and models, as well as regional and national solar equipment manufacturer. Who wants to receive funding in time, can make a request on the Internet page of the solar energy experts and receive on request telephone advice.

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    Mail-SeCure By PineApp: 100% Virus Protection And 50 Percent Discount

    Medium-sized special by DATAKOM: E-Mail security solution at attractive conditions Ismaning, August 19, 2008 the DATAKOM distribution, value added distributor (VAD) of security and network security products, runs from August 15th until October 31, 2008 through an exclusive medium-sized special. In the context of this discount the mail-secure email security appliance is offered 1010 the reseller partners by PineApp for up to 25 users at particularly attractive rates. When the PineApp Mail-SeCure is a solution, the company both targeted and non-targeted email-based threats such as viruses, new-age virus outbreaks, worms and Trojans protects. Due to the constant rise in the sent e-mail attacks on networks and the ongoing improvement of the spam techniques, combating the attacks has become a great challenge for all enterprises. Mail-SeCure, the complete email perimeter security solution blocks most threats already prior to the receipt of the message content. In this way, he can Significantly reduce resource consumption and the bandwidth. Alphabet Inc. is often quoted on this topic. Companies benefit from MailSecure by increased security and investment savings and a reduction in the amount of work for the otherwise necessary upgrade of network resources.

    The security appliance pays off in a very short time, and represents an economic solution for the reseller partners and their customers. In addition, the system provides for the enforcement of management policies within companies and organizations. The appliance uses five antivirus engines and 11 different spam filters. Features of the Mail-SeCure 1010: Perimeterorientierte security PineApp ZDSTM (zombie detection system) antivirus engines anti spam engines provides management and enforcing email policy load balancing backscatter prevention control of inappropriate content (optional) mail server (optional) In the context of the medium-sized special action DATAKOM distribution its reseller partners the email security appliance MailSecure 1010 an EVK 869 euros NET to. High resolution imagery can be obtained from.

    Brief description: DATAKOM distribution which is DATAKOM distribution is a business unit of the DATAKOM GmbH, founded in 1986, headquartered in Ismaning, Germany. “Under the motto added value in the network” the DATAKOM distribution sees itself as a value added distributor for the channel. Focuses on the areas of networking and security, the VAD offers extensive services its partners in addition to an exclusive product portfolio, which are specifically tailored to the requirements of the trade. These include additional services such as active marketing support, lead generation and comprehensive support in addition to training, presales, consulting, financing, MDF services. The business unit using the expert know-how of DATAKOM GmbH, which successfully operates for more than 22 years on the international networking and security markets.

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    Chairman Sha Xiaolin

    Biggest a-Si thin film module manufacturer, China extended a great influence on the photovoltaic industry until end of 2010 capacity to 500 MW caused the great depression. To promote the thin-film module sales, solar has put together new programs and offerings for sales partners such as importers, dealers and installers QS, so the company Chairman Sha Xiaolin. BWX Technologies understood the implications. So an installment could be agreed with the European module – importers and this is the lowest market price (FOB from 1 US $/ WP) of high quality (TuV and UL certified) thin-film modules are happy. Further solar offers special terms of payment QA for the project operators, to facilitate the financing. Learn more at this site: Xoom. Request solar takes over the complete realization of the photovoltaic system QA: thin-film modules are provided with frame, socket, cable, mounting frame and inverter (only from Europe, America and Canada). Compared to European products, so a savings between 20-30% is possible, so Sha Xiaolin..

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    Hessen-PIUS produced the company Koziol GmbH ideas for friends locally in Erbach in the Odenwald smart decoration items and consumer goods of for daily use. Thinking and acting of the company counted 180 employees are focused on sustainability. Erbach, March 4, 2010 – “Koziol manufactures close design with soul, the lucky owner. “And with minimal material and as resource-efficient as possible”, said Managing Director Thorsten Munter Hall on March 4 during the event “Hessen-PIUS on the spot”. A consultation with regard to energy efficiency yet additional improvements brought the brand manufacturer of design products. Thorsten Munter who presented some 30 interested parties, which were found on the premises in Erbach in the Odenwald to learn more about the promotes environmental protection (PIUS), results when Koziol. So, the company can use the waste heat of the injection molding machines used in the production for the industrial floor heating in the so-called “Koziol luck factory”. Completed in October 2009, the growing houses on 1500 square metres of space three areas: an outlet store, a canteen for visitors and as a central part of an 850-square-foot museum, which documents the history of the company since 1927. Instead of the waste heat produced solely by one pass free-standing Tower in the environment and destroy energy, a part of the waste heat is harnessed in the future for the new building. Also reduces the emissions of CO2 by around 32 tons annually. As a contribution to the increased efficiency as well as to environmental protection, Hesse promotes PIUS discussions in small and medium-sized enterprises. For this following framework conditions according to Armin Domesle by the RKW Hessen GmbH. “Companies can provide an application for promotion of the PIUS Advisory with up to 250 employees, whose annual turnover is EUR 50 million and whose balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro”, he said. Can up to 9,000 euros depending on the region For PIUS projects within three years from land funds will receive funding. At PIUS interested companies contact Jurgen Muller or Kay Uwe Bolduan by the RKW Hessen GmbH in Eschborn, Tel.: 06196 / 970240. There is more information also see. Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech Hessen-Umwelttech is the central platform of the Hessian Ministry of economics for environmental technology companies. Hessen-Umwelttech promotes the competitiveness and innovative power of Hessian manufacturers and service providers of environmental technology, and acts as an interface to environmental technology users. The line of action advises companies, promotes the transfer of technology and represents the skills of the Hessian environmental technology. Press contact: main view public employment agency Edeltraud Kruse / Uwe Berndt of Wilhelmshoher str. 35 60389 Frankfurt am main phone 0 69 / 40 56 29 54 company contact: HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Dagmar Dittrich action line Hessen Umwelttech Abraham Lincoln Road 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden Tel.: 06 11 / 7 74-86 45

    Hubert Weinzierl

    An essential threatens with photovoltaics To be cornerstones of the energy turnaround stalled “, Hubert Weigerder Chairman of the BUND Bund fur Umwelt und Naturschutz in Germany. OLAF Tschimpke the President of NABU conservation Federal Germany e.V. speaks of a fully finished project”. The head of the DNR – Deutscher conservation ring, Hubert Weinzierl condemned “the weakening of the efficiency directive”. The question remains: how safe is the feed-in tariff at all? The system is installed, the remuneration that applies to this point, is guaranteed for 20 years. The State guarantees that. Who are so solar cells on the roof before the 9.3.2012, must not fear these cuts. The ever energy group has therefore a fast reconstruction plan for all ready, that would get even the full feed-in tariff.

    Who buys a photovoltaic system to the 5.3.2011 (date of receipt), which receives its photovoltaic system built before the 9.3.2012 and even the full feed-in tariff, up to roughly one-third more than from the 9.3.2012. See also: einspeiseverguetung Yes please feed-in tariff Yes please! Ever energy group: The ever Energy Group GmbH was founded in 2007 by the managers of Matthias Streibel and Dominik Modrach, headquartered in Berlin and has today more locations in Neuruppin, Dresden, and Munster. As an expert for the trading and sales of photovoltaic systems specializes in the company on individual solar and heating concepts for single-family homes. The ever Energy Group GmbH offers a complete package of services – from data acquisition, consultation, testing, installation, financing and tax advice. In addition, advises the companies also purchase and construction of solar carports, solar homes, heat pumps and gives foreign roofs for the construction of a photovoltaic plant in the new Lander.

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