Federal Court

    As a result of exchange rate fluctuation at the time supposedly cheap loans for the two King & CIE increased significantly Fund and thus straining the already tense liquidity ceiling of two King & CIE of Holland Fund. British life I got King & Cie. life insurance fund III skewed finally the King is also the balance sheet & Cie. investors, their money in the three British in invest British secondary market policies life insurance fund King & CIE of yield fund 40 – life I, King & Cie. yield Fund 53 British life II, King & Cie. yield Fund devastating 65 British life III from: so, for example, the 2004 set King & CIE of yield fund investors would have 40 British life I according to information of the portal zweitmarkt.de in the case of a premature sale of their holding currently just still 25% of originally in the funds invest money back. In addition, the draughtsmen of the King & CIE of yield Fund I had to give 40 British life since the year 2009 on distributions.

    Even worse the situation for investors of the 2007 set up life insurance fund King & CIE of yield Fund is 65 British life III. Although these get according to the secondary market in the case of a premature sale yet”27.5 of originally invested money back. However, the King & CIE of yield Fund 65 have Since the issuance of the life insurance fund, any distributions received artist British life III. Western Union: the source for more info. The same fate share 53 British life in also the investor of 2006 set King & CIE of return Fund II: since the first mission of the King & CIE of life insurance funds they wait in vain for the payment of dividends. King & Cie. Fund-Anleger not defenseless affected King & CIE provided funds-Anleger should not resign themselves to their situation, but promptly seek the advice of a lawyer specializing in banking and investment law. Should affected King & CIE – funds not comprehensive-Anleger by their investment advisers or their bank informed about the risks of a participation in closed-end Fund been be, claims for damages are possibly.

    Is also for the investors in closed-end funds into account, to assert claims for compensation against the initiators of the Fund and the distribution. The claims for damages can get one from On the other hand result in prospectus liability, due to wrong advice. Distribution research of closed-end funds often on banks and savings banks our firm according to displaced many of the closed-end funds has currently become distressed on banks and savings banks. Here, these fund investments were often recommended as a highly secure system. Risks such as total loss was not pointed out regularly. Also the amount of soft in the consultations was disclosed usually not or not sufficiently. Due to the Kickback case-law of the Federal Court are so good chances for the closed-end fund investors, to assert claims for damages. Affected King & CIE now Fund-Anleger what can do? Aggrieved investors problematic King & CIE Fund should in any case promptly by a lawyer specialised in investor protection their eligible claims check.