Month: August 2016


    PROCESSES concept a process is a program in execution, a processing unit managed by the OS (operating system). BCP (process control block) has the information of processes: allocated memory segments, open files, communication points. HIERARCHY when a process to solita to the OS created a process B, B is A child. In unix is respected, not in winnt. ENVIRONMENT of processes is a set of variables that are passed to the process at the time of its creation (table name-value pairs that is included in the process stack).

    GROUPS of processes formed groups with various properties, created from a shell, dependent on a Terminal, etc. There are operations that can be done on all processes of a particular group (kill them all). Tasking MULTITASKING: or monoproceso, only allows a process in every moment (MS-DOS) multitasking: or multithreaded, coexist several processes at the same time, the OS, divides the processor processes time so all progress in its implementation. Single user: it supports a single user, they can be monoproceso or multithreaded. Multi-user: supports multiple users working simultaneously in different terminals, it is obligatorily multitasking. NULL process at intervals in which the defendant has nothing to do, the OS include a null process, it is an infinite loop that does nothing useful (the aim is to entertain the processor). Planner and ACTICADOR Scheduler (scheluder) enters running each time the OS activates and selects the process that will be executed next. The Activator (dispatcher) puts the selected process running by him Planner.

    DEGREE of MULTIPROGRAMMING is the number of active processes that maintains the system. It affects significantly the performance of the computer. How many more active processes has, more likely to find a process in state ready to run, so you run less the null process. Higher multiprogramming, greater need for Menorca. Without virtual memory: the active processes reside entirely in main memory, the limited degree of multiprogramming this by the size of available memory and processes.

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    Market Learning

    After a maximum of 10 years, these children who are accustomed to only accept the electronic format will be used in universities and businesses, so what training they would prefer? Full-time courses for them to be a throwback, with a loss of time unpredictable results. The changing role of business coaches. In the new environment, business training, coaches who want to continue to work and grow in this profession will have to learn new tools and techniques level technical support for distance learning. Therefore, coaches will be forced to cooperate with training agencies, consultancies or corporate university. Mutually cooperation will also be virtual. In addition, the likely independent web site, where authors of courses, webinars and training sessions will upload their products which will then be available customer. This format will require work from business coaches a high degree of competence, as platform for the competition will be open to customers and it will be easier to compare and evaluate their work. And also thanks to expand the boundaries of the market of business education, professional business coaches can significantly increase the number and geography of their customers and clients in turn also be able to use the services of a much larger number specialists, without hesitation, where they are located geographically.

    The boundaries of the market. Today, between the training market and market distance learning, there are very clear, visible, and even rigid boundaries. Training market – a free business trainers, training companies, corporate training centers with their staff training managers and moderators of the market, and. E-learning market – the creators of platforms for distance learning courses and university professors, while almost everything. Those who took distance learning as sending an e-mail scanned textbooks and books, to take into account not necessary. Once you pouchastvuete a Webinar or pass a quality e-learning course, which has case studies, role plays, quizzes, video and audio lectures, video training and you have no one ever convinced that e-learning is analogous to distance learning.

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    Bad Nauheim

    You get hardly work and must work to 67! Workplaces only can arise from it is lowered for 35 hours the week when the general working time. Only working time from 40 hours may be the week permitted a maximum and must be compensated for within a month. Why does the government not change the working time law? At 72 hours in the week it authorizes if 48 hours are not exceeded in the times working period of 6 months because of! Map, insanity, with 6.3 million unemployed unemployment! The instrument of the short-time work helps nothing. The employees first are sent in short-time work and dismissed after a couple of months so that the other employees must work again longer! Why do they put up with it of the government? 7 million people are oppressed here! It is all about her money. They sue for your rights for the competent social welfare tribunal or industrial tribunal. Complaining at the quality negotiation up to the first instance, being able to be taken by the state on application of to interim order! They therefore use her legal costs insurance or the help of the trade unions (for members only.) The motto is always valid it here: you “vote” on the new one here for her torturers again and again only one helps the amendment of the constitution. The article 38 ABS.

    1 constitution (GG) and article 38 paragraph 2 of (GG), has to be painted without replacement. (You are) representative of the whole people this is possibly for 2/3 majorities of the Bundestag paragraph 2 of (GG) as per article 79 with one, not tied to orders and instructions. Parliamentary elections are on September 27, 2009, have the possibility over 7 million electors (unemployed, 1 euro casual worker, beaches, persons of job creation scheme and time worker) of voting this government out. They make use of your right! It is time for the next revolution! Ask union, if you transfer your donations, for security reasons only about Western union and you mention your transaction number, please. Many thanks. Manuel Hachenburger high forest 4 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany telephone + fax + 49 60 32 7 15 63

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    Short Money Is Entitled To Temporary Workers – Conditions Improved

    Temporary workers is Frankfurt/Main short-time money conditions improved, July 2009. What was not possible in 2005, allows a change in the law now: since December 1, 2008, also employed by temporary employment agencies can get unemployment money (Kug). The Frankfurt-based recruitment agency manpower Germany points out. Precondition is that a client companies for its own core employees also apply for short-time working. This option new for the temporary employment sector has been achieved through an amendment of the employees transfer Act. “With the unemployment money plus” the framework conditions for applications for short-time working have been improved retroactively to July 1, 2009, from the perspective of the companies even once. Thanks to the changes workers in the temporary work sector now also with regard to short-time working are assimilated to the workers of other sectors”, emphasized the labour market expert manpower, Marcel Pelzer. Short-time work helps to secure jobs.” Manpower offers the chance to qualify workers briefly Pelzer according to.

    You can also on voluntary actions such as the 24 HELP of Manpower Social Day”take part. Until the spring of this year, the payment of short money in the temporary employment industry was legally impossible. Against this background the Federal Social Court in Kassel ruled recently in one case in 2005, then right no short money for a temporary agency workers had been granted (AZ B7 AL 3/08 R). How the new rules will work for the permanent staff of a client company introduced short-time working there employed temporary workers may also work briefly. You do not need to be deregistered. The temporary employment agencies for its employees must request for short-time working. The previously applicable obligation of 100% working failure shall not apply.

    Like other employers, the temping agencies as employers pay workers in short-time working for the actually paid by them Labor wage and salary. The employment agency partially compensates for the temporary workers during short-time working income loss over the short money. The federal employment agency refunded the contributions from the seventh month of the Shelley reference to the company. Applies retroactively since 1 July for the short-time work applied for from 1 January 2009. “This so-called short money plus” is limited until 31 December 2010. Company contact: Manpower GmbH & co. KG personnel services Thomas Engeroff Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 31 60313 Frankfurt T + 49 (69) 15303-242 F: + 49 (69) 15303-222 E: press contact: WEFRA PR society for Public Relations mbH Dr. Andreas Bachmann medium Dicker WEG 1 63263 Neu-Isenburg (Zeppelinheim) T: + 49 (69) 69 5008 78 F: + 49 (69) 69 5008 71 E: about manpower: manpower is worldwide one of the leading recruitment agency for recruitment, Staffing and human resources solutions. Manpower maintains around the world a Network of 4,500 offices in 80 countries. This makes manpower capable of, the requirements of approximately 400,000 customers from small companies, to operate through the medium-sized companies to multinational corporations. Manpower offers its employees a fixed workplace with training and career opportunities around the world. The vision of manpower is leading in the development and provision of services to which customers and applicants in the changing world of work can be successful.

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