Month: November 2016

    Sprengel Museum Hannover

    The suspension system with its Gallery Rails sets works perfectly in scene. Leonardo Vinci described it as a beautiful fantasy exercise to read out from the surfaces of ancient walls forms and figures.Victor Hugo sales is the time after dinner, by he further crafted with coffee residue stains in the tablecloth. Kurt Schwitters marched through Hanover, fascinated by the smorgasbord of civilization. Especially the art of the 20th century owes much to chance or steered chance. High time to present an exhibition on the subject.

    The Sprengel Museum Hannover has been exemplary in scene chance in art. The art of the 20th century after the dissolution of purely realistic academic art through the camera conquered the random and artists such as Picasso, Schwitters, Paul Klee and later Jackson Pollock, Daniel Spoerri and Gerhard Richter created a methodological integration of chance in the art of smashing the bourgeois world by the first world war. Especially Max Ernst developed an entire encyclopedia aleatorischer Techniques that decisively shaped his surrealist work. As examples, the Sprengel Museum Hannover has gathered many milestones of random art. In the presentation, the exhibition makers leave nothing to chance. The suspension system with its Gallery Rails sets works perfectly in scene. Useful placed picture lighting meet small graphics as well as large sculptural designs.

    Of the work sequence of exhibition spaces up to the frame of the gallery a consistently successful theme show. Examples of chance in art coincidence, coincidence here: in most cases, the artists of more or less of random bar is. Niki de Saint Phalle shot with the rifle on plaster reliefs, where Squibs were hidden. She laid out an experiment and left the rest to chance. Max Ernst ‘fascinating Cypress’ emerged as Decalcomanie, a technique of taking over a surface streaks of color. Ernst traumwandlerisch-gestaleterische work was graphically and picturesque to read these streaks and to shape. A kind of methodical Rorschach test. Jackson Pollock drilled holes in the paint bucket and ran across huge, lying at the bottom of image formats. ‘Jack the Dripper’ a perpetual joyful inspiration was one with the emergence of his work, the Act of painting. Museum of the merit to have drawn a huge range of media and artistic personalities on a coherent thread to the Sprengel. Art exhibition, a discreet suspension system with single gallery rail, beautiful Gallery frame and the right focus placed picture lighting together with the well researched and presented artistic networks contribute to the success of the exhibition. The exhibition ‘Sheer coincidence’ is in the Sprengel Museum Hannover by the 15.5 15.9.

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    PRESS Release: Federal

    Federal is not liable for country risks – get coupons of the Federal States of the individual German Federal States will have to pay for their bonds in the future significantly higher interest rates than in the past. The fuchsbriefe expect following a request in the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF). Opposite fuchsbriefe, the BMF announced that the Federal Government not for country bonds will stick. This also applies to the planned joint Germany-bonds by federal and State Governments, so the BMF to fuchsbriefe. Liability for its respective share of an issue lie therefore exclusively in the respective State. The situation in Germany thus same those in the euro. Here too, the markets were a decade falsely assumed by a community liability and had almost equally valued economically how financially strong and weak countries.

    This knowledge will move initiated now BBs, from Moody in the focus of investors. The spreads for State bonds are in the markets under the aspect that the Federal Government is not liable clearly too low, notes Fox letters. The markets believed that there was a kind of global liability of the Federal Government. However, that is not the case. The Federal Government was indeed train an extreme budget crisis of a State obliged to secure the liquidity of the Lander for their original state tasks such as police or education. Loan liabilities were it but except, said the Ministry of Finance on request.

    Since the outbreak of the crisis in 2008, the interest rate gaps between federal and State Governments are already grown. They were then 0.1 up 0.2 per cent, there are now up to 0.9. This margin is likely to rise more clearly now. The volume of bonds issued by States is 320 billion euros. Fuchsbriefe is indeed to imagine that enter the Federal Government eventually but for the bond obligations of the countries. This, however, is not automatic and may take some time for the actual implementation. During this period which would strongly advised course of land bonds under pressure, if mainly foreign investors their money withdraws. Fuchsbriefe remind in this context, that at the launch of the ESFSESFSESFSESFS was also intended to ensure the liquidity of Greece. This not stretched but on Government bonds, as investors had learned with a loss of about three-fourths of their invested capital.

    Credit Cards MasterCard

    Patrols have long started to be really interesting for the hundreds of thousands of people are employed. Naturally, we can watch TV or pick up information about a specific place in the global network, and yet nothing will be able to compete with your impressions, with the perception of smell and memorable atmosphere of a particular place. However, not all, without exception, the tourists are away on distant lands, pick up services of travel agencies. Since the excursion crowd – is one, and the opportunity to live free and independent life in an unknown country – it is a separate rapture. But if you do not apply to the specialists of tourist type businesses, the minimum required to solve the problem acquiring a passport visa, ticketing and booking the hotel. However, it currently has no idea nor the slightest difficulty.

    As in all the cities of our world can be found for your hotel and buy tickets – do not leave the home, through the functions of the global Internet, the organization staying abroad may become increasingly easy task. For some time through a global network has the ability to book a hotel at the point in which you want the big metropolis of the world: Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Vienna or Venice. In this case, you can book hotels in Rome, usually, not only on the website specifically chosen hotel, and in addition, and special resources, which are specially made for tourists. The centralized portals cast booking hotels, you can pick up the necessary hotel category, even without knowing the local language. Enough to make precise search options – and once your attention will be given a substantial list of hotels that meet your needs. Here is permissible to make a reservation.

    When However, many hotels in major cities do not require prepayment and not impose some other conditions of their potential visitors. And if you plan to travel not during rush vacationers something else and be able to well save popolzovavshis all sorts of discounts. Are you wondering where exactly you can find hotels in Paris and ordered for himself an apartment? Therefore, you need to go to the portal framework of international order hotels. In this point, you'll be able to find all of the required collection of data, in addition, the structure of hotel booking service is completely free. Client fee structure only to find a hotel and all the computations are made only directly with the hotel. Many boarding houses actually book a room and even pay for it in advance, guaranteed way of sad surprises. For this is acceptable to use Credit Cards MasterCard, Visa and American Express.

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    Germany Hotels

    Only through active presence on Google +, Pinterest, and Twitter hotels might their digital Dramatically increase visibility. In the end it comes online by the target group to be found and to leave the desired digital fingerprint”, so Jaber further. The hotels vary in visibility in the Google search engine. It consults the visibility index, for example, achieve Center Parcs Bungalow Park Hochsauerland ‘ and Center Parcs Bispinger Heide Bungalow Park’ with a value of 7.22 of the highest score, while ‘Sofitel Munich Bayerpost’ has a value of 0. Considered one other online factors such as blog and newsletter customer loyalty is, that dominate the hotel chains at the expense of individuality of the individual hotels: 72 percent of the hotels use a single newsletter of the hotel chain, whereas only 20 percent offered an own newsletter. On the subject of hotel blog, there are only eight percent of the hotels, which lead to an individual blog.

    Positive on that hotel apps gain increasing importance for the hotels. So, 63 percent of the hotels offer a hotel chain app. The same image is reflected in the Locationportalen: most hotels are represented at least at a Locationportal. The largest share of two portals is represented by 31 percent. Only four per cent can be found on any of the portals. To download the overall rankings of the 100 best-selling hotels in Germany, as well as detailed study results with pictures and graphics to download you will find under: l/social-media-hotel-online-marketing-studie.html press contact Stefanie Jarantowski Managing Director / CEO eventsofa T + 49 30 7677 5150 on eventsofa eventsofa is the marketplace for event locations on the Internet. On, event organisers will find over 6,000 locations in Germany, which can be booked for business or pleasure. Behind the Berlin online startup is a broad network with specialists from the fields of event, online marketing and technology. Founder Stefanie Jarantowski worked in the event and PR industry for many years and has the necessary experience and knowledge of the interfaces.

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    Open Day At The Speyer Airfield 11/30 / 01.12.2015

    Helicopter tours and flight in the business jet – everything at the Speyer airfield In the Foyer are the new tenants of the building, with information booths and answer on their activities. The Speyer airfield offers for visitors on this day transfers with the follow me”within the airport area to the hangars, hangar tour inclusive. The managing director Roland puts much emphasis on public relations: it is important that interested citizens have the possibility from the region, to explore the inner workings of the airfield. A guided tour and others in the pulpit of the Tower shows the length of the extended runway, but also, how minor the poplars for the railway extension have been cut”says managing director Roland Kern. If the weather allows it, it will give the opportunity to the Business-Jet or helicopter round flights on two days, one aircraft exhibition presented in addition on the tarmac. The airfield Speyer/Ludwigshafen GmbH introduces itself and stands speech and answer to an interesting, interesting facts, and new to the airfield. Care for the well-being of visitors and visitors. The proceeds go to the children’s Hospice in Dudenhofen.

    Especially high-light: the open day is accompanied by a fascinating exhibition of the Speyer decorator & artist of Klavs Parins. Klafs Parins has issued over 25 pictures of his cycles in the foyer and the adjacent premises. The intense, bright colors are impressive and give the viewer possibilities of interpretation and analysis. The open day is accompanied also by the Kulinaristen. The Kulinaristen GmbH specializes in high-quality food, organic products and raw food specialized and is even certified to DE-eco-007. As a small provider in a niche segment with fancy organic honey with ginger, organic honey with Sea buckthorn, organic honey with cinnamon, handmade organic pasta, gluten-free raw food and cold-pressed, vegan Senfen we attach great importance to the quality Products. We know all of our producers, maintain direct contact and know the production methods well enough that convinced consumers in conversation. We offer high-quality food, our buyers and buyers appreciate the concept”so Roth.

    To find the Kulinaristen under in the network, developed a new label for high quality food and raw food. “Who products under the brand name the Kulinaristen ‘ purchases can be sure that they contain no flavour enhancers, no dyes and preservatives and no artificial binders. It has pleased us that children eat more healthy honey again. Our organic honey with cinnamon was particularly said the small visitors and demand. The organic honey with cinnamon is versatile, the pancakes, crepes until the topping on Apple Pie cinnamon honey is suitable. Honeys are a healthy natural product and strengthen the defenses of the little ones, especially now in the autumn time “so the Managing Director Birgit Roth.

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    GID Ensures Email Security

    Information global distribution GmbH (GID) takes the issue of E-Mail Security and management increasingly in the sights in the face of the NSA scandal. Cologne, 11 December 2013. With its product portfolio, the Cologne House offers appropriate solutions, which ensure the security of electronic messages of a maximum and their management and archiving automate. Primary product is from the House of Symantec Enterprise Vault. GID is a Platinum partner of Symantec. Add the award data protection specialist come”as well as the certificate of master specialization for archive & E-Discovery”. Thus, the specialist in the areas of data security, backup, deduplication, storage and archiving demonstrably has the experience in the use of Symantec products.

    At the latest since the revelations around the NSA scandal, companies in dealing with their E-Mails and the retention of data in the cloud are sensitized. Questions around liability, but also the protection and the security of the data gained in importance. GID has therefore to the Task done, to advise its customers about the security and archiving email and corporate data and offer appropriate solutions. While the House uses mainly the product suite Enterprise Vault from Symantec. Their data classification service (DCS) uses the proven data-loss prevention technology (DLP) from Symantec, email content and metadata analyze and archive: messages are automatically classified and marked for compliance purposes.

    So, even encrypted documents can be classify, archive and recover quickly. “” “In accordance with our claim knowledge keep future secure” are we pursuing the goal to provide solutions, providing sustained business success “, says Gunter Heissler, CTO which include global information distribution GmbH. today more than be per concepts with which emails reliable and protected from unauthorized users kept.” Reader contact: GID GmbH In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0221 4543333 fax: 0221 4543330 E-Mail: about global information distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. GID is active in Europe and United States.

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    When Internet has become the place where you want to play you in the present and future, learning, growing and developing you within it, one of the new habits that you purchase is the exchange views and information with other peers who have had different and interesting experiences to their own and which are also very appealing, but above all, where there is always something to learn. Fruit of this Exchange came to me a small anecdote, one of those who have had much success in this medium, and which respect won’t appoint, that told me how it took more than two years to reach its first objective because, at its inception, was left to influence by others who overwhelmed negative and self-defeating thoughts. Certainly not the only one, but if one of the impediments that tend to hinder and largely impede the placing, the performance and even until the results of the Internet business is the opinion of others. And so much so that they turn in opinions of weight, to which we assign a value to no We must, because our doubt or insecurity of be dabbling in unknown terrain, the overestimates. But how can it be that not support me in this decision?, would be a reasonable question to become. I tell you what I think in this regard, it can of course be objectionable. Everytime you do something new, it is a change, everytime you produce a change, grow, and not everyone sympathizes with your growth.

    Beyond prudent or measured opinion that may have your loved ones, seeking to protect you or help you, ultimately only want your well-being and that it is understandable and meritorious, are the opinions of those who would not like your change. And those are the worst. It is what I think. Because only by doing our own experiences we will know what it is. I have obtained poor results in certain business gives me no authority to ensure that it is or that it is trash, maybe I didn’t have the capacity to carry it out. For that reason I must disappoint you with your project? Just as we all are different, also produce results different, that I do not I was perhaps to thee be bright, who can know it? I believe that we must draw our own conclusions that are obtained from our own experiences and that are, for us, the more valid, but only for us. It doesn’t matter if it goes well or ill never lose because you’ve gained new experience and that has no value; do not stay with the doubt of knowing that it is. Do not be influenced by the opinion of others, takes all the precautions you can, question, investigates, finds out, and if you’re not going to take specific project forward, that because your own opinion so deemed.

    Finally: I say goodbye with these two interesting thoughts if you attract a little light, follow it. What leads you to the swamp? already come out of him! But if you don’t follow her life you martirizara you thought that perhaps it was your star. Hebbel. thou art the deep desire that propels you as it is your wish is your will as it is your will are your actions as they are your actions is your destination.

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    Federal Government Frommer

    Warning Waldorf of Frommer for the series “how I met your mother season 9 episode 1 and 2′ on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH which has incurred firm Waldorf of Frommer the total amount for cease and desist letters because of filesharing on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for e.g. the series how I met your mother season 9-episode 1 and 2 actually adapted the new legal situation and reduced from 1.028,00 on 815,00. Pay nothing and sign nothing. A warning because of the supposedly illegal down – / upload music or film works contains typically the assertion of claims for damages and reimbursement of attorney on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for the series how I met your mother season 9 episode 1 and 2, as well as the Declaration of a punitive injunctive relief. After the law of the Federal Government blessed now also on the 08.10.2013 of the Federal Council, are in the frame of this warning notices of copyright infringement and there ways Arrangement, the legal costs of the industrial firms clearly have been capped. The industrial firms can no longer make 10,000.00, but significantly lower claim their attorney’s fees after a dispute. The watchdog firm Waldorf of Frommer has responded here already and the loss they suffered with the reduced cost of lawyer has in part on the claim for damages their clients such as e.g.

    here the twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for the series how I met your mother season 9-episode 1 and 2 “pitched. Formerly Waldorf of Frommer asked usually compensation for any clients amounting to 450.00 plus, attorney fees by 506,00. After the lawyers remuneration Act, this amount has increased reform on a total 1.028,00. Now, the watchdog law firm Frommer Waldorf calls only 215,00 lawyer expense and for lump sum compensation from 600,00 for the clients. Such a warning is not necessarily entitled. Write down the short deadline and urgently seek the advice of a qualified attorney for copyright. Do not contact the watchdog Office. Let us help you. We have can do successfully that in several thousand cases for our clients. Georg Schafer Attorney

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    Enterprise Security

    Ascopert offers companies a comprehensive advice and support in all areas of the enterprise security many companies is not aware that it is of the utmost importance, mandatory to comply with internal and external rules and regulations. The compliance system of Ascopert is a holistic system that covers everything from the initial review (compliance check) regular training (compliance training), measures to raise awareness (awareness area) to continuous inspections (compliance audit). With the compliance organization of Ascopert to arm businesses against business risks and protect yourself from image losses and possible liability claims of third parties. Ascopert uses the forensic service and the forensic investigations in the area of economic crime. Difficult situations are processed by means of forensic analysis. Objectively and secretive Ascopert experienced experts clarify facts (crime investigation) and thus effectively contribute to harm reduction (fraud prevention and fraud Investigation) at.

    With the risk management process, Ascopert operates a professional analysis of weak points through which creates a detailed risk management consulting for the customers. The risk and opportunity management by Ascopert recorded competently all entrepreneurial potential and minimized greater reputational damage caused by unforeseen events. More and more companies are that there are weak points within the company today in clear. But what they are exactly, it is often unclear. Ascopert goes into a sophisticated security management with a detailed analysis of the weak points. A security concept (security concept) and continuous security checks (security audit) continue the process and specifically prepared the company for a worthwhile safety testing (security certification).

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