Month: July 2013

    Ford Motor Company

    Entrepreneurs fifties Ray Kroc was 52 years old and worked as a seller of appliances for restaurants when he was fascinated by the small burger bar of brothers Maurice and Richard McDonald, and his system of simple, cheap and fast food. Kroc suggested the two brothers extend their concept of burger bar through franchises and the three teamed up for this purpose. In 1961, he bought the McDonald brothers their share in the business for something more than two and a half million dollars thus becoming the principal owner of the chain, which would become the company’s most important fast food in the world. The chicken to grilled: Roger Schuler need rid of leftover chickens from a bad business. Roger Schuler Swiss had had no luck with the then novel business of raising and selling of chickens to the retail, and after transferring its store of Larco, found more than 1,000 chickens in his possession. Transformed his santa clara casa-granja blue to ward off flies – in a restaurant to step, erected on the unique raw that I had in abundance and that was cheap enough to attract the people travelling by road.

    There was only one way to achieve this: serve a dish unique and prepared in massive amounts. The chicken to grilled was born. Henry Ford: American industrialist known for their innovative methods in the motor vehicles industry. At age 16 he became an apprentice mechanic in Detroit. From 1888 to 1899 was mechanical, then Chief mechanic of the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1893, after experimenting in his spare time, he managed to build his first car, and created the Ford Motor Company in 1903.

    Bill Gates: American businessman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation. Fascinated by computers since age 12, embarked on several programming projects while studying. During your stay at Harvard, in 1975, Gates teamed up with Allen to develop a version of the programming language BASIC for the Altair, the first computer or personal computer. Given the result obtained with his work in BASIC, decided to leave Harvard, in 1977 to devote himself entirely to Microsoft and get a computer in every Office and in every home, the idea that holding company. Thomas Alva Edison fulfilled the ten years, the small Thomas installed its first laboratory in the basement of his parent’s home and he learned only the rudiments of chemistry and electricity. But at the age of twelve, Edison realized that he could exploit not only his creative capacity, but also his acute practical sense. So, not to mention his passion for experiments, it determined that it was in your hand win cash and cash materializing some of their good occurrences. His first initiative was to sell newspapers and sweets on the train that made the trip from Port Huron to Detroit. The civil war had broken out and travelers were eager for news. Edison persuaded the Telegraph operators of the railway line to give on the notice boards of the titular short stations on development of the race, not to mention add footnote that full details appeared in the newspapers; sold these periodicals the own Edison on the train and there is no saying that they took from the hands. And are they all? There is no more, but for now it is enough. In a next article we will continue.

    Categories: General

    The Company

    7 They generate productive employment, job opportunities for others. 8 Meet humility a social role, for the good of the country 9.-relatives are taught the art of doing own business. 10.-Are a source of practical knowledge. We must not be afraid to undertake, to start the company, but If we must prepare ourselves so that we can have 70% chance of success. To be successful, must have a minimum, small formation, but solid. We can get this minimum training by various means if we are serious and we are committed to it. It’s not expensive, it’s very cheap.

    It is available on the Internet, but should please you read, investigate, drink knowledge. Visit pages of management issues, read articles, free courses, to know the experiences of others, participate in blogs, help us a lot. Local newspapers have items of business, experiences of business, techniques, science, economy, which are very important to read. If you don’t like reading, feeling lost, but housewives study finished badly. The study is the basis of our preparation to face life challenges. Not enough initiative, the good desire to do things, requires discretion, knowledge, to be able to undertake, making reality the own business.

    Is not necessary to make a college degree, many the they have done and work driving taxi, sell hamburgers, working in company publishes, earn little money. University degree you do not become a person of success, what will make you successful in life is: knowledge. The man who has the knowledge, transforms reality, dominates the others. To transform the reality of its own labour, required make an investment small, medium, large, in an activity of services, etc. To be successful, this activity our required to minimize the risk, take appropriate decisions. Knowledge is needed to do all this. Can acquire it knowledge only studying… smile and be happy.

    Categories: General

    Cabo Companies

    Today the Subway of Recife passed over the stretch between the stations Central and Jaboato, and all the line the west total is abandoned and destroyed, having covering of mud and weeds in many parts. The last train that became useful the road-of-iron was the Train of the Forr, until in 1999 rains had made unusable some stretches of it and this train had that to start to cover the line Cure-Handle, last conventional railroad of passengers of Pernambuco still in functioning. The south line made possible the flow of sugar of the Zone of Mata as well as the Line North and made the good for many cities, with prominence to the Handle of Saint Augustin and the Palmares. The recifense stretch was disactivated to give place to the Subway, whose expansion in the south direction will make ten years of very slow workmanships. No station in Recife was left of foot nor so that it served of memory.

    It has plans to put a Light Vehicle on Trilhos/VLT between Suape and Recife, but it does not have many details on this, and the remaining stretch between Cabo and Macei, the least for the time being, it is intended to continue abandoned. Railroads that had been very important for the public transport in Pernambuco today nothing more are of what damaged ruins. For backwards of this railroad bankruptcy, it has many factors. In historical sequence, first it came a management fails and unsustainable of the railroads in the first half of century 20, in way that had that to be created the RFFSA to tutor them after the bankruptcy of the old railroad companies. After that, ' ' pragas' ' that they last until today: the interests of automotivas companies, of lobbies of politicians and on entrepreneurs to the oil, of companies of urban buses and means of transportation of long distance, of road administrators who invoice richnesses with tolls and, finally, of politicians whom they prefer to launch faranicas road workmanships the railroad and subway enterprises, therefore roads and viaducts attract more votes.

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