Federal Government Frommer
Warning Waldorf of Frommer for the series “how I met your mother season 9 episode 1 and 2′ on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH which has incurred firm Waldorf of Frommer the total amount for cease and desist letters because of filesharing on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for e.g. the series how I met your mother season 9-episode 1 and 2 actually adapted the new legal situation and reduced from 1.028,00 on 815,00. Pay nothing and sign nothing. A warning because of the supposedly illegal down – / upload music or film works contains typically the assertion of claims for damages and reimbursement of attorney on behalf of twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for the series how I met your mother season 9 episode 1 and 2, as well as the Declaration of a punitive injunctive relief. After the law of the Federal Government blessed now also on the 08.10.2013 of the Federal Council, are in the frame of this warning notices of copyright infringement and there ways Arrangement, the legal costs of the industrial firms clearly have been capped. The industrial firms can no longer make 10,000.00, but significantly lower claim their attorney’s fees after a dispute. The watchdog firm Waldorf of Frommer has responded here already and the loss they suffered with the reduced cost of lawyer has in part on the claim for damages their clients such as e.g.
here the twentieth century Fox Home Entertainment Germany GmbH for the series how I met your mother season 9-episode 1 and 2 “pitched. Formerly Waldorf of Frommer asked usually compensation for any clients amounting to 450.00 plus, attorney fees by 506,00. After the lawyers remuneration Act, this amount has increased reform on a total 1.028,00. Now, the watchdog law firm Frommer Waldorf calls only 215,00 lawyer expense and for lump sum compensation from 600,00 for the clients. Such a warning is not necessarily entitled. Write down the short deadline and urgently seek the advice of a qualified attorney for copyright. Do not contact the watchdog Office. Let us help you. We have can do successfully that in several thousand cases for our clients. Georg Schafer Attorney