Executive Advice

    The aspects technician and characteristics of the Project will have to be contemplated in (DCP) the Document of Conception of the Project. Below it follows figure better to illustrate the cycle of a MDL project describing the stages that the project must to fulfill to receive the Reductions Certified from Emisses (RCE): Figure 2: Cycle of a Project of MDL Source: (KIQUMOTO; SOUZA, 2007) As figure above illustrated, the participants of the project effect the fulfilling of the DCP and direct it for Entidade Operacional Designada (EOD) duly recognized for the Executive Advice who will effect an analysis and will direct the project for the approval of the Inter-ministerial Commission of Global Change of Clima (CIMGC). An approved time, is directed for register in the Executive Advice. A national or foreign entity certifys the project with the objective to define the procedures of auditorships of verifications and to assure the transparency in the renderings of accounts of these projects. The Assigned National Agency (AND) is the related CIMGC in Brazil. In the stage of monitoramento, the participants of the project follow a plan established for the methodology of the project, confectioning reports that will be submitted to the EOD for verification and accompaniment. This verification is the revision independent and periodic carried through for the EOD, that also makes the accompaniment of the monitored reductions of the emissions of the GEEs.

    Finally, the concession of the certification, is the guarantee yielded in writing for the EOD, certifing that for one determined period of time, determined project reached the reductions of the emissions of verified and proven GEEs as. The participants with this certification, are eligible to require to the Executive Committee the emission of the RCEs, relative the reduction or removal of the GEEs..

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