MCM Investor Management

    Germany offers international investors great opportunities in the real estate market. Magdeburg, 08.07.2013. The renowned consulting company Ernst & young comes to this conclusion. She has consulted worldwide Manager and comes to the astonishing conclusion that the Federal Republic of Germany in international rankings place occupies six after the major emerging economies of China, Brazil, India, Russia and the United States. At least 14 percent of managers include Germany to the top three investment locations. France and the United Kingdom not even get half of this favor.

    With the excellent infrastructure, the well-trained professionals, but also social factors such as internal and external peace is especially appreciated. After all, half of the respondents is of the opinion that the best years yet facing Germany, keep the German economy for one of the most robust in Europe. Europe itself we doing less positively seen. “Many managers assume that Europe” will expire in the coming years even more clearly in the sidelined. “It means literally: Germany star light against the backdrop of a Europe suffering always brighter.” Not surprising, against this background, it seems that the real estate market will continue to enjoy a great interest of international investors. These are increasingly facing the problem to get a sufficient supply of more. This is connected with the selection criteria: finding this institutional emphasis in larger residential real estate projects, which must be in good to very good locations of Metro metropolitan cities such as Munich, Hamburg and Berlin.

    It seems absolutely logical in this context became interested in as a private investor in real estate for the investment. There are basically two possibilities here: the who has sufficient capital or the corresponding income, opens up the possibility of acquiring an apartment or a House for rent. Specialists recommend that the percentage of the total assets not more than 30 per cent for this form the investments should be. You can generally follow the investment goals of professional property buyers. An apartment in Hamburg, Munich or Berlin is increasingly expensive, and it should consider very carefully, whether the attainable rental income also effectively allow a repatriation of loan probably recorded. An alternative is to so-called medium-sized cities. Here you should place his emphasis on economically prosperous cities and above also East German cities not outdoor. For example, Dresden, Leipzig, Jena, Magdeburg, Erfurt – often due to the fact that they have positioned themselves as University sites and consequently attract companies, who are looking for well-trained technicians are currently in demand. In addition to the purchase of an apartment as a single property to there is also the possibility of monetary assets through its indirect shareholdings purchase. For example, the Magdeburger MCM investor Management AG offers the possibility investors with manageable monthly savings contributions, on their own Participate in the real estate development business. Focus of the work of MCM investor Management Ltd. is to acquire housing stocks, to revitalize and to sell. To do this, goes the company profit participation rights. The investor receives in a current preferential interest rate, as well as a profit share of the profits. For more information,

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