
    Agree, even us adults it is difficult to comprehend such dimensions. Their children, I have shown large pumpkin and pea. "Imagine" – I say to them: "If our solar system to reduce so that the sun was the size of this pumpkin. Earth would then, together with all cities and countries, mountains, rivers and oceans would become the size of a pea that. Older child can tell you about the most mysterious form of stars – black holes, which differ huge density of its substance.

    The figures are so incomprehensible reason, even an adult, it is better to once again explain the examples and learn everything in comparison. I take an apple and carve out his cube with sides of 1 cm. I try to be more precise, using a ruler. Tell your child that this cube weighs about 1 gram. "And now – I say it – imagine that exactly the same size cube, we would cut off from the black hole. How much do you think he would weigh? Hint: a lot, have no idea how much.

    Can you with something to compare the weight? "- How to weight – he says. – No, worse. – What car? – No, even harder. – How to train? – No, the train and even the whole structure – a speck of dust compared with in such a small piece of the star. It is hard to imagine that 1 cubic centimeter of a black hole weighs 200 million tons! Child is, of course, nothing to say, so that we continue to compare with the familiar, even if only in pictures objects. Show him a picture of the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. It is desirable that in the photo next to a giant piece of ancient architecture were seen small "insects" – men and camels, cars – is "insects" average magnitude. Imagine how much can weigh a pyramid! (Note: The construction of the pyramid of Cheops has left 2.3 million stone blocks weighing an average 2.5 tons each. It is easy to calculate that the weight of a pyramid is equal to about 6 million tons!) compared with the cube of the stellar matter, such whopper by weight can be compared only with a feather, because it can outweigh only 35 of the pyramids! Then we take paper and pencil, draw a pyramid on a white sheet of 35 triangles. Agree that this scheme never dreamed of and most Mavrodi. Not surprisingly, after such stories and experiences a child can not only seriously interested in astronomy, but also passionately love this wonderful science. Just as we all love the fact that she was studying – the stars

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