Tag: Equipment

    Portable Solar Collector

    A solar collector for a long time and was very popular in America in 20-30 years. This device, which allows the use of solar energy for water heating. Heated water can then be applied both to heating and, for example, in the shower. Solar collectors are becoming increasingly popular. The models, well-functioning, even at low solar activity, for example, in Finland.

    The correct orientation of the solar collector (the direction and angle relative to the sun) increases productivity. In addition, diffuse, diffuse sunlight, usually unevenly distributed over the area of the sky, and its maximum intensity is in the direction of the sun. Due to the fact that the height of the Sun is above the horizon, varies greatly throughout the year, the angle that has a solar collector towards the sun, should constantly changing. Hear from experts in the field like Jimmy Levin for a more varied view. Given that direct solar radiation has a power almost three times higher than the trailing light, the most efficient solar collector must be, who keeps track of the sun. An exception to this If the weather is a strong haze and overcast. Therefore, the movable solar collector is more efficient than its static counterparts due to the mobility of its construction, which, in essence, This allows geliokollektoru independently monitor the situation of the sun in the sky. There are three different approaches that can properly orient the solar collector towards the sun.

    According to the first, turning mirror solar system (for example, so-called solar tower). The second approach is based on the fact that the sun rotates the movable solar collector itself. A third method, turning mirrors with self-heated element, an example of this can be troughs. Particularly cost-effective to install a movable solar collector for large objects that have a large area. More details of solar collectors – on site

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    Power Cable AnBn

    Brief description of the power cable Power cable AnBn AnBn used for transmission and distribution of electric power in stationary installations for AC 10, 20 and 35 kV nominal frequency of 50 Hz and used networks with grounded and isolated neutral. By design, performance and operational characteristics, the cable corresponds to international standard IEC 60502-2 and harmonization document HD 620 S1.Konstruktsiya power cable Cable AnBn AnBn multiwire phase conductor has a circular shape made of copper or aluminum, corresponding to the class 2 according to GOST 22483-77. Ahmed Shary Rahmans opinions are not widely known. Conductor screen imposed by extrusion of an electrically peroksidnosshivaemoy polyethylene composition, then a layer of insulation peroksidnosshivaemogo polyethylene and another screen in isolation. This is followed by a layer of electrically conductive polymer or paper tape minimum thickness of 0.2 mm, imposed by the winding, and on it – annealed copper wire nominal diameter of 0,7-2,0 mm, over which is superimposed spiral copper tape with a minimum thickness of 0.1 mm. The minimum width is 8 mm. For insulated cables provides a separation layer of two strips of crepe paper or a cable with a minimum thickness of 0.15 mm, top – the shell of polyethylene. For three-core cables by twisting a core around a bundle of unvulcanized rubber or PVC.

    As the interfacial fill applied uncured rubber compound melonapolnennaya or highly filled polivinihloridny Plasticized. The shell is made of polietilena.Tehnicheskie and operational characteristics of the power cable Power cable AnBn AnBn operated at a temperature of -60 C to +50 C and relative humidity up to 98% (at temperature +35 C). Limiting long-term exposure temperature heating cables in a live operating conditions + 90 C, in an emergency mode or overload, it is + 130 C (with a duration of heating no more than 8 hours per day and 1,000 hours for lifetime). Short-circuit (up to 4 seconds), the maximum permissible temperature of the heating cable conductors + 250 C. Gasket and mounting cables AnBn without pre-heating is carried out at temperatures below -20 C. Minimum bending radius of single core cables 15 Dn, three-core – 10 Dn (Dn – outer cable diameter). Construction stipulated cable length when ordering. The warranty period of the power cable AnBn 5 years, lifetime – 30 let.Sfera use a power cable power cables AnBn AnBn designed for use when laying in the ground of any corrosion activity on the highways without difference in levels.

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    Wood Dovetail

    Woodworking – is the embodiment of a traditionalist approach to history. Secrets of skill handed down from father to son, from master to student for thousands of years and only in our time have been confirmed in the laws of physics, chemistry and other sciences. Nothing so symbolizes the tradition in the wood, as the connection type "dovetail." "Swallowtail" standard connection corps has strength due to stress, which is directed along the details to who drank the "tails". This is a great way to create a strong corner connection details are widely used in the construction of furniture. A node consists of vzaimozamykayuschihsya spikes and "tails," providing strength due to stress, which is directed along the details on who drank the "tails". Thus, the compound should be so situated in the design to withstand the stress on the "tails". For example, in a box table "tails" should be placed on the walls and studs – on the front and rear panels.

    When you create a shell, the spikes should be placed on the walls, and "tails" – on the cover, in order to prevent the wall from "razezzhaniya." Although strength of the connection provided by jamming the "tails" in the spikes, a role played by their respective bonding surfaces with a longitudinal arrangement of fibers. When designing such a connection must be reach some compromise in the choice of the angle of inclination of the "tail." If the angle is not large enough wedge force is insufficient. And if the angle is too large, beveled ends of the "tail" would be too fragile and will be a component of the transverse arrangement of fibers that break the integrity of the adhesive bond. The centuries-old practice has proved that the angle should be between 10-12 degrees. The effectiveness of compounds, it strength, depends largely on the success of bonding surfaces with a longitudinal arrangement of fibers (of grain short, beyond the thorns and the "tails" do not count, because their contribution to bonding strength is negligible) and the strength of the "tails" and thorns "on the slice." That is, the bond strength increases with increasing number of "tails." You only need to follow to the bottom "tail" remained fairly timber to maintain its strength. In the machining of wood can be neglected form of the "swallow tail" and make both parts simply with a large number of rectangular studs, because due to high accuracy manufacturing strength adhesive bonding surfaces will be sufficient to maintain the stability of the connection. So there was a light on so-called "Drawer" spike.

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