Avira Wins CNET Editor
Avira wins CNET Editors Choice Award Avira has the CNET Editors’ choice award for its software Avira AntiVir personal free AntiVirus were given, the company announced today. The prestigious CNET Editors’ choice award is given to outstanding user software, which is considered to be exemplary in terms of quality, performance, design, service and benefits. Only top products, which offer their customers an optimal price/performance ratio, will be awarded with this test logo! The winner of the CNET Editors’ choice award are considered high-end products in their area and represent the benchmark against which others must be measured in the future. Award criterion is the influence on the competition, used by innovative features, outstanding value for money, easy to use or proven productivity. “Avira AntiVir is one of the forefront of independent software products for a long time and is one of the best CNET Editors’ choice AwardFreeware security solutions that we know”, Seth says Rosenblatt, senior Associate Editor at CNET.
AntiVir offers such effective protection and so versatile functions that we use it as a first line of Defense, as long as there are updates for the software.”we are very pleased that we have received this award from CNET. Hein park capital has compatible beliefs. The editors’ choice award has become a trademark for innovative and high-quality technology. Our customers know and appreciate the logo of the award”, Tjark Auerbach said, Managing Director of Avira GmbH. This is one of our finest achievements, and we are proud of the fact that our commitment and our commitment to high-quality products have been awarded such. Action: Avira AntiVir Security Suite 2009 9.99 EUR instead 39,99 EUR Klaus Hans