He says that the girl I push muleque a little in the front of it, was looking at it strangely and it continued, spoke well in ouvidinho of it, whispering pra to be more caliente ' ' He is that today I you giving sopa' to you; '. Until it seems joke, in the reality is a joke, but also it is a fact This friend am not I ok? He fits to remember Truthful fact! Good, it finishes dance, it finishes balacobaco, thin and it rolls, and according to my friend, ' ' vi a woman to never laugh in such a way in my life and my front ' '. Sung, they have of funniest, until more without notion ' ' Your father is the owner of the Mcdonalds? Not? Pq I love everything very this? ' '. Your name is lie? Not, pq? Pq vc is very pretty pra to be truth I am not Ita bank, but I was made pra you Good-looking Oi Wise person who if you were a snack, you would be X-Princess? – T seeing that face there? It answers: – Yes, pq? Ae vc says: – It wanting to know if you to you wants to be with me! =P Or This is most rotten and pra to close this article that still I myself I ask myself, pq still continues writing and you pq still continue reading, but all good We go to jump this part. – Vc like Todinho? – Yes, pq? – Pq today I am Todinho Its! With affection, By Juliano? The loving council member