Warning The Firm BaumgartenBrandt For MIG Film GmbH

    As the film industry takes action against file sharers with the business of the warnings in the area of copyright law some law firms in the entire Federal territory create a not inconsiderable and inexhaustible source of revenue. As representing the interests of some well-known rightsholders Internet and especially file-sharing are allegedly users because committed copyright infringement i. S. v. 85, 16, 19a UrhG to the cashier asked. Share digital file sharing networks, which are actually used, illegal music works, cinematographic works, as well as PC games platforms hide behind the concept of file sharing. Each storing a file on the own data carriers (disks) already represents a reproduction. For the tech-savvy the following should be noted: downloads in the framework is due to system constraints and without the possibility to be able to avoid this, by appropriate supplementary programmes (such as flux MOD) by p2p – / peer-to-peer-networks the file at the same time the upload provided, even if they not yet fully loaded or the download folder is locked.

    “” On behalf of rights holder MIG Film GmbH Duren for example the Berlin firm BaumgartenBrandt calling for just such alleged infringements, namely the illicit exploitation of cinematographic works of battle of the barbarians currently”, 1612 attack of the Crusaders”, as well as Nobel Son “, against users of file-sharing systems from. The lawyers of the law firm of BaumgartenBrandt demand a flat-rate amount of comparison i. H. v. EUR 850, which consists of the positions of legal costs and damages in each case.

    At the same time the Dunned down should be required to cease and desist. These claims are standardized in 97 UrhG. Dangerous and desist, that go far beyond the fulfilment of the above-mentioned legal claim are attached for the Dunned down the warning letter. Herein is the recognition of the alleged infringement and all claims made claims. It is doing so in fact a debt acknowledgement. Because of the 30-year duration of the default contract so significant legal and particularly financial consequences can go hand in hand. Although the deadlines to comply with the designated claims are often very short, and so the threat scenario is completed, is yet to advise against a hasty signing of the cease and desist. Concerned connection owner should consult on this matter absolutely legally. Here you will find general information on the subject of cease and desist letter. On this page we will report more warnings of the firm BaumgartenBrandt. Lawyer of Philipp Achilles

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