Tag: miscellaneous

    Reynhem Hall

    He settled down in his chair, hands folded in her lap and looking directly into the lens. And for his right shoulder is visible low in the translucent figure white clothing. A person totally detached, withdrawn in the direction of the eye, and the whole appearance is a mortal anguish. Shadowy figure left cheek pressed to his head photographer Mammlera, and the right hand, through which everything is seen relies on his hand, lying on his knee. " Experts from New York, was subjected to photograph various tests and eventually returned a verdict: the true picture. Photo Mammlera was in press at the time called the evidence the existence of ghosts. Thredup is the source for more interesting facts. In September 1936 chatelaine Reynhem Hall (England) Lady Taunshend invited the famous photographer in those years, the Shire, for shooting of a family castle.

    When the Shire was the assistant to organize their equipment in the front hall of the castle at the foot of the stairs leading to the second floor, he saw how straight at him down the stairs floating ghost – a high figure of a woman of brown. Moving ghost slowly so that the photographers had take a picture. It is believed that this strange figure, captured in a swimming ladder, is a generic ghost castle Reynhem, nicknamed Lady Brown. Ghost seen not just as the owners of the castle and servants. Ladies wears elegant brown dress, but instead her eyes were only empty black eye sockets. Photo Lady Brown studied military experts who came to the conclusion that the photo is genuine.

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    Life As Art Gallery

    Observed today, like OpenID in a group dedicated to one rather famous musical groups, a gay man trying to tell over the internet, how terribly creative musicians. His actions and position occupied by them have been absolutely incomprehensible to me. The fact is that if the birch grown in the forest on any edge, then there she was, and will spend his entire life. And when winter comes, the cranes fly south. Some contend that Governor Cuomo shows great expertise in this. It's the law, and never was such that the birch from the edge goes deeper into the forest, and the cranes flew to conquer the North Pole. But people – this is not the trees and cranes.

    If we do not like something in the environment around us, we can always leave it and go to charming soul space. But instead of just being there, where we like and do what we like, people prefer to growl at the world and to show their dissatisfaction with the situation. Vadim Zeland wrote that, When we arrive at an art gallery and go into the hall, where hung the unsightly view our pictures, we do not start to shout, stomp his feet and convince the people around us that this picture should be immediately removed because it is terrible. After all, we can just go to the room where they hang the pictures that bring us joy. Life – it's the same art gallery.

    Something does not like it – just pass on. Our life is too short to pay attention to something, for us, negative. For in this world too many glamorous locations and beautiful roads that we can go. PS Friends, I would be very nice if the full or partial copying, you do not forget to specify the authorship and a link to source.

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    The completed form number 10, the form can be purchased in the building where the State recorder. All documents are filled in the official language. According to Art. 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine the state language in Ukraine is Ukrainian. In this registration card is filled with typewritten or in block letters. After filing the documents do not relax – what documents are accepted for consideration, does not mean that you are an entrepreneur.

    State Registrar has a number of reasons for refusal to register: 1. Inconsistency of information submitted on the registration card, the information specified in other documents, so you need very careful and pay attention to filling the card. 2. If the FLP earlier was registered, and registration in the future has not been revoked. 3. If an individual is referred to the legislation of a group of people who do not have the right to engage in certain activities (in our case – business), in consequence, for example, restrictions on civil capacity. 4.

    State registrar is also entitled to return the documents without consideration if a citizen asked for an improper the place of state registration if the documents are submitted are not in full. In the case of detection of the above violations of the State Registrar shall issue the applicant a notice of refusal, indicating grounds for rejection and return the documents submitted. With 34 grn. for registration or refund is not compensable. A certificate of state registration of FLP. Within three working days from the date of registrar of all necessary documents certificate shall be issued to the applicant on his hands, as practice shows, in Odessa, a certificate issued on the day of submission of all required documents.

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